Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Potency regulators

Included in the formulation

G.04.B.E   Drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction


Activates NO-synthase, increases the content of nitric oxide (NO) in the cavernous body, relaxes the muscles of the cavernous body, increases the blood flow in the penis during sexual stimulation.


Not studied.


It is used for lowering libido, erectile dysfunction, vegetative disorders in men's menopause.

V.F50-F59.F52.0   Absence or loss of sexual desire

V.F50-F59.F52.2   Insufficiency of the genital reaction


Individual intolerance.


It is used with caution in individuals who have lactase deficiency, since lactose is present in the formulation.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Recommendations for FDA - not determined.

Dosing and Administration:

It is taken once in the amount of one tablet under the tongue until completely dissolved 15-20 minutes before meals and 1 hour before the alleged sexual intercourse - no more often 2-3 times a week. In the treatment of impotence and menopausal disorders, the course of treatment is 12 weeks and includes taking one tablet every other day.

With occasional use - 2 tablets 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.

The highest daily dose: 2 tablets.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.


Cases of overdose are not described.


Dissolving tablets are used outside meals. The drug is incompatible with cow's milk.

Allowed to take the drug in patients receiving nitrates, β-adrenoblockers, ACE inhibitors, diuretics, calcium antagonists.
Special instructions:

The drug is used according to the scheme for the treatment of vegetative disorders in men's menopause and occasionally - to increase erectile function. With the course of treatment, there is an increase in the number of androgens in the blood plasma.
