Certificate number:RU.Е.006590.12.16
Date of registration and renewal:26.12.2016
Dosage form: & nbspPowder.
Classification "Composition" & nbsp Supplements - vitamins, vitamin-like substances and coenzymes BADs - fats, fatty substances and their derivatives BAD - products of plant, animal or mineral origin
Classification "Clinical" & nbsp BAD-source of monovitamins and vitamin-like substances
Composition: & nbspAlkoxyglycerins from the liver of the Commodore squid Berryteuthis magister, concentrate of PUFA omega-3 from fats of commercial fish of the Far-Eastern basin, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E).
Scope: & nbspIn the food industry in the production of biologically active food additives and specialized food products.
Special instructions:Not subject to retail sale to the public.
Shelf life:Shelf life - 1 year.
Storage conditions:Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature of 0 ° C to 5 ° C.
Research protocols:Expert conclusion of FGBICU "NII Nutrition" №72 / Э-1579 / б-15 of 10.12.2015.
Recipient:FGBUN "National Scientific Center of Marine Biology" of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of SciencesFGBUN "National Scientific Center of Marine Biology" of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Federation
Information update date: & nbsp15.01.2017