Certificate number:RU.Е.004217.02.15
Date of registration and renewal:25.02.2015
Dosage form: & nbspCapsules with a mass of 530 mg.
Classification "Composition" & nbsp Dietary supplements - polyphenolic compounds BAD - products of plant, animal or mineral origin
Classification "Clinical" & nbsp Supplements that promote the normalization of lipid metabolism BAA, improving digestion and functional state of the digestive tract Supplements regulating appetite Supplements supporting motor-evacuation function of the intestine Supplements for people who control body weight
Composition: & nbspIngredients: acai berry extract, licorice tinder, guarne seeds, alfalfa, dandelion, capsule shell (E464, E171, E172)
Scope: & nbsp
For sale to the population through the pharmacy network and specialized stores, departments of the trading network as a biologically active food additive - an anthocyanic source containing flavonoids and caffeine.
Suggested Usage: & nbspAdults take 1 capsule 2 times a day with meals, with plenty of water (300 ml). Duration of admission is 1 month.
Contraindications:Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.
Special instructions:Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Shelf life:1 year.
Storage conditions:Store in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children, at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C.
Research protocols:
Expert conclusion of the FBUC of the Federal Target Program and the Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection No. 10-2FTS / 5672 of December 25, 2014.

Recipient:PF Kapital, Open CompanyPF Kapital, Open Company Russian Federation
Information update date: & nbsp08.06.2016