Certificate number:RU.Е.002601.02.15
Date of registration and renewal:05.02.2015
Dosage form: & nbspTablets weighing 0.65 g, capsules of 0.20 g.
Classification "Composition" & nbsp BAD - products of plant, animal or mineral origin
Composition: & nbspMixture of vegetable raw materials - extracts of chamomile pharmacy, immortelle sand, fruits of milk thistle; crushed fruits of dogrose, coriander and dill odorous; calendula flowers; leaves of peppermint, nettle, mother-and-stepmother and sage; cones of hops; rhizome rhizomes; herbs of oregano, wooly erva, mountaineer of bird and yarrow, lactose, MCC, aerosil.
Scope: & nbspFor sale to the population through the pharmacy network and specialized stores, departments of the trading network as a biologically active food additive - a source of flavonoids containing oxycinnamic acids.
Suggested Usage: & nbspAdults take 1 tablet or 2 capsules 3 times a day with meals. Duration of admission is 3-4 weeks.
Contraindications:Individual intolerance to components, pregnant and lactating women.
Special instructions:Before use, it is recommended to consult a doctor.
Shelf life:2 years.
Storage conditions:Store in a dry, protected from light place at a temperature of no higher than + 25 ° C.
Research protocols:In exchange for the certificate of state registration No.RU. of 22.07.2011, the expert opinion of the FGU of the Federal Target Program and the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights and Welfare No. 09-1 FTS / 3304 of 26.07.06,ФБУЗ ФЦГ and Э Роспотребнадзора №10-2 ФЦ / 287 from 01/21/2015.
Recipient:Fitosorb, OOOFitosorb, OOO Russian Federation
Information update date: & nbsp06.07.2017