Certificate number:RU.
Date of registration and renewal:20.02.2016
Dosage form: & nbspSet with a net weight of 6, 52 g, consisting of: powder in a bag of 1.0 g, a bottle weighing 5.52 g with a dispensing pipette.
Classification "Composition" & nbsp Supplements - probiotics and prebiotics
Classification "Clinical" & nbsp BAA, improving digestion and functional state of the digestive tract
Composition: & nbspComposition: Bifidobacterium bifidobacterium strain BB-12®, triglycerides from sunflower oil.
Scope: & nbspFor realization to the population as a biologically active additive to food - a source of probiotic microorganisms (bifidobacteria) for children of the first and second years of life.
Suggested Usage: & nbspAfter opening the sachet, pour the contents into a vial of triglycerides from sunflower oil, close the vial and shake. Take 15 drops (0.6 ml) a day with food, take it directly into the baby's mouth, or mix with the food during the feeding. Before use, shake the bottle. The duration of the reception is 7 days.
Contraindications:Individual intolerance to the components of the product.
Special instructions:Before use, it is recommended to consult a pediatrician.
Shelf life:24 months.
Storage conditions:Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C, in a dry place inaccessible to children. After opening and mixing of dietary supplements store no more than 15 days in the refrigerator at a temperature not higher than + 8 ° C.
Research protocols:In exchange for the certificate of state registration No. RU.Е.007013.06.15 of 11.06.2015, the expert opinion of the Research Institute for Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences No. 72 / e-358 / b-11 of 21.04.2011, FGBICU "NII Nutrition "No. 72 / E-942 / b-15 dated 01.06.2015, protocol of tests (studies) of samples (samples) of the Institute of Nutrition" NII Nutrition "No. 612b / 000859 / 11-15 dated May 27, 2015, the protocol of laboratory Research AILTS FBSU FTSGiE Rospotrebnadzor № 223 from 13.03.2015.
Recipient:Sagitus Ltd.Sagitus Ltd. Latvia
Information update date: & nbsp2016-03-25