Cancellation of state registration. Eplerontin

February 06, 2018
Active substances:
Trade names:
VI.G40-G47.G40    Epilepsy
XVIII.R50-R69.R52.2    Another constant pain
Eplerontin, gabapentin, epilepsy, treatment of epilepsy, neuropathic pain

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 32 of the Federal Law of 12.04.2010 No. 61-FZ "On the circulation of medicines" decided to abolish state registration and exclude from the state register of medicinal products for medical use of the medicinal product (registration certificate LSR-005318 / 08 dated 07/07/2008 issued to Micro Lab Limited, India):

Eplorontin (trade name of the drug)

Gabapentin (international non-proprietary or grouping or chemical name)

capsules, 300 mg (dosage form, dosage)

Micro Labe Limited, India 92, Sipcot Industrial Complex Hosur-635 126.(T.N.), India (name and address of the location of the manufacturer of the medicinal product)

on the basis of the filing of a representative office in the Russian Federation of the company Micro Laby Limited, by an authorized legal entity, an application for the abolition of the state registration of a medicinal product.