Extremy®. Treatment of neutropenia

July 04, 2016
Trade names:
XX.Y40-Y59.Y43.3    Other antineoplastic agents
Ecstema, empagfilgrastim, neutropenia, complications of chemotherapy
In April 2016, the Russian biopharmaceutical company Biocad released on the market an innovative drug for the treatment of neutropenia caused by the use of chemotherapeutic drugs, Extremia®.
The complete official instruction of the state register of medicinal products for the trade preparation Ecstimia® is available in the TALKDRUGS medicinal guide here.
Ecstimia® - the first domestic drug pegylated GCSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor) (active ingredient empagfilgrastim), passed an international multicentre, double-blind, double-masked, randomized trial, the results of which Biocad presented in 2015 at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).
In patients diagnosed with breast cancer for 4 cycles of chemotherapy, the effectiveness of the drug Eksstimia® was evaluated, compared with the group of patients who received unpigilated filgrastim.
According to the results of the Phase III study, Eximmia® showed a significant decrease in the duration of neutropenia, the incidence of febrile neutropenia.
Does not require daily administration.