Trade names from 'vinpocetine' to 'vinpocetine' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Concentrate for solution preparation for infusions 5 mg / ml
Tablets of 5 mg.
Tablets 5 mg.
Solution for intravenous administration 5 mg / ml
Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusions 5 mg / ml.
Tablets of 5 mg.
Tablets 5 mg.
Concentrate for the preparation of solution for infusions 5 mg / ml.

Tablets 5 mg.

Tablets 5 mg.
LEKFARM, SOOO Republic of Belarus

Tablets of 5 mg.

Tablets of 5 mg.
Tablets 5 mg.
Tablets 5 mg.

Tablets of 5 mg.