Trade names from 'allergen' to 'allergen' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Solution for intradermal and subcutaneous injection.
A solution for carrying out the prick test and the cutaneous scarification application, 10000 PNU / ml.
Solution for intradermal and subcutaneous injection.
Solution for intradermal administration, 10 doses / ml.
A solution for intradermal and subcutaneous administration, 10 thousand PNU / ml.
Solution for intradermal and subcutaneous injection.
Solution for intradermal and subcutaneous injection.
Solution for cutaneous scarification, prik-test and subcutaneous injection; 6000 PNU / ml.
A solution for carrying out the prick test and the cutaneous scarification application, 10000 PNU / ml.
A solution for carrying out the prick test and the cutaneous scarification application, 10000 PNU / ml.
Solution for intradermal and subcutaneous injection.
A solution for intradermal administration, 10 thousand PNU / ml.
Solution for intradermal administration.
Solution for intradermal administration.