Trade names from 'allergen' to 'allopurinol' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

Spray nasal dosed with 140 mcg / dose.

Eye drops 0.05%.

Spray nasal dosed with 137 μg / dose.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10000 PNU/ ml.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10,000 PNU / ml.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10,000 PNU / ml.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10,000 PNU / ml.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10,000 PNU / ml.
Solution for subcutaneous administration, 10,000 PNU / ml.
homeopathic granules
drops for oral ingestion homeopathic
homeopathic granules
Gel for local and external use.
FIRN M, ZAO Russia
Eye and nasal drops.
FIRN M, ZAO Russia

The coated tablets are 30 mg, 120 mg and 180 mg.

Capsules of 60 mg.

Glaxo Group, Limited United Kingdom

Lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for subcutaneous administration of 1.0 mg.

Tablets, 300 mg.

Tablets of 100 mg and 300 mg.

Tablets of 100 mg.
Tablets of 100 mg.