Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):





The drug has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. Sulfanilamide (streptocide) is a bacteriostatic. Its chemical formula is similar to paraminobenzoic acid, involved in the synthesis of folic acid, without which the growth of microorganisms stops. Violation of the synthesis of folic acid leads to structural changes in the nucleus of cells, as a result of which the bacteria stop reproduction.

Aminotrosol, which is part of the drug, destroys the outer membrane of prokaryotes. Due to a double stroke - inside and out - the bacteria not only stop multiplying, but also die.

Sulfanilamide does not compete with para-aminobenzoic acid in human cells, so they do not synthesize folic acid on their own.

In the purulent discharge increases the content of para-aminobenzoic acid, so the effectiveness of the drug decreases.


Not studied.


100 g of ointment contains 2 g of aminotrozole and 5 g of sulfanilamide. Used in the treatment of postoperative wounds after the opening of abscesses and phlegmon, with burns, bedsores, trophic ulcers, to eliminate purulent infection with dermatitis and pyoderma.


Individual intolerance.

Anemia, leukemia, liver failure, porphyria.


It is used with caution in acute renal failure, under the control of blood tests. With allergy to sulfonamides, there is a danger of developing Lyell syndrome. With SLE and bronchial asthma, exacerbations of diseases are possible.

For the treatment of children under two months, no more than one application per day is used.

Pregnancy and lactation:Recommendations for FDA - not defined. It is not recommended for use in pregnant and lactating women.
Dosing and Administration:

The treatment requires washing the wound surface with a solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide or 0.05% chlorhegidine, after which the ointment is applied in a thin layer and covered with an aseptic dressing. The dressing of purulent wounds is performed twice a day. With burns - 1 time per day.

Treatment of skin purulent diseases lasts for 1-3 weeks.

The highest daily dose is 20 g.

The highest single dose is 10 g.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.

Fever, rash, aplastic anemia, photosensitivity.


Interstitial nephritis.

Hematuria, thyroid gland disorders.


Oppression of leukopoiesis: agranulocytosis, leukopenia. As a consequence, the development of immunodeficiency state.

Treatment: symptomatic, after drug withdrawal.


With the simultaneous use of novocaine and anesthesin, the effect of the drug is weakened by the fact that the anesthetics are hydrolyzed with the release of a large amount of para-aminobenzoic acid.

Special instructions:

The drug is used to treat postoperative purulent wounds and trophic skin disorders, as well as burns.

Ointment containing sulfanilamide and aminotrozole, is effective only when applied to the wound surface, cleared from tissue detritus and pus.
