Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anthelmintic agents

Included in the formulation

V.03.A   Other different drugs


Mixture of the lyophilized concentrate of phagolysates of the most common Salmonella: group A - paratyph A; group B - paratyphoid B, tifimurium, heidelberg, group C - nyuport, cholera suis, oranienburg, infantis, group D - dublin, enteritis, group E - anatum, nyllands.


Not described.


Treatment and prevention of diseases and bacteriocarriers caused by salmonella.

I.A00-A09.A01.4   Paratyphus, unspecified

I.A00-A09.A01.3   Paratyph C

I.A00-A09.A01.2   Paratyph B

I.A00-A09.A01.1   Paratyph A

I.A00-A09.A02   Other salmonella infections


Age before 1 year.


No data.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Action category for the fetus by Food and Drug Administration (US Food and Drug Administration) - not determined.

The use of this medication during pregnancy and during breast-feeding is possible in the presence of infections caused by phagosensitive strains of bacteria (on the recommendation of a doctor).

Adequate and well-controlled studies on humans and animals have not been conducted. There is no information on the penetration into breast milk.

Dosing and Administration:

Inside, 1 hour before meals, from the first day of the disease for 5-7 days.Children under the age of 6 months are recommended liquid preparation (10 ml 2-3 times or in a 20 ml enema once); from 6 months to 3 years - 1 tablet 2-3 times a day (or rectally 30-40 ml once); from 3 to 8 years - 2 tablets 2-3 times (in the enema 40-50 ml once); children older than 8 years and adults 2-4 tablets 2-3 times (in enema 50-100 ml once). For prevention - 2 tablets once a week.

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.


Not described.


The use is possible in combination with other drugs, including antibiotics.

Special instructions:

It is not suitable for use in cases of turbidity, presence of flakes, absence of marking and expired shelf life.

An important condition for effective phage therapy is the preliminary determination of the pathogenicity of the pathogen.
