Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antimicrobial, antiparasitic and anthelmintic agents

Included in the formulation
  • Hexasprees
    aerosol locally 
  • АТХ:

    R.02.A.A   Antiseptics


    Antiseptic for topical application in ENT practice. It is active against staphylococci, streptococci and corynebacteria, has a local anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect.

    When topical application is characterized by prolonged action.


    Pharmacokinetics studies were not conducted.


    Local treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx caused by microorganisms sensitive to biklotimol, including: acute and chronic pharyngitis; pharyngolaringitis; tonsillitis; condition after tonsillectomy; glossitis.

    X.J00-J06.J02   Acute pharyngitis

    X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

    X.J00-J06.J04   Acute laryngitis and tracheitis

    X.J30-J39.J31   Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis

    X.J30-J39.J35.0   Chronic tonsillitis

    X.J30-J39.J37   Chronic laryngitis and laryngotracheitis

    XI.K00-K14.K05   Gingivitis and periodontal disease

    XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions


    Children under 6 years; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


    Avoid contact with eyes.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Possible use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

    Dosing and Administration:

    The drug is administered inhalation for 2 injections 3 times a day, regardless of food intake.

    During the inhalation, the bottle should be kept upright. Shake the bottle before use.

    Side effects:

    AAllergic reactions.


    Cases of overdose are not fixed. Treatment is symptomatic.


    It is necessary to avoid simultaneous use of other medications for topical application in the oral cavity.

    Special instructions:

    If the therapeutic effect is absent or weak within 5 days, the therapy should be reviewed.
