Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antihypoxants and antioxidants

Included in the formulation
  • Dimephosphone®
    solution inwards externally 
  • Dimephosphone®
    concentrate in / in 
  • АТХ:

    V.03.A.X   Other medications

    The drug has a membrane-stabilizing, normalizing acid-base state, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, antihypoxic, radioprotective, antiseptic.
    It exhibits antioxidant properties, dose-dependently reduces the intensity of lipid peroxidation, inhibits spontaneous and ADP-induced aggregation, increases the antioxidant potential of platelets and reduces the content of lipid peroxidation products in them. Normalizes the acid-base state by activating the metabolic mechanisms of its regulation (especially renal and pulmonary), enhancing intraorganic blood flow and tissue metabolism. Has a number of neuropharmacological effects: nootropic, antidepressant, decongestant and anti-ischemic, stress protective, mnemotropic and antiamnestic. Improves cerebral circulation, normalizes the tone of cerebral vessels and blood filling the brain, improves venous outflow.Neurotropic activity and cerebroprotective properties are caused by the impact on the mechanisms of neuro-metabolic protection of the brain - the drug normalizes carbohydrate and energy metabolism, prevents the activation of lipid peroxidation, increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes in brain tissue. When topical application has antiseptic effect, increases the protective functions of the skin and mucous membranes.
    After a single oral intake is absorbed quite fully. Cmax is noted after 120-180 minutes. Easily passes the histohematological barriers and is distributed to various organs and tissues. The greatest concentrations are created in the spleen, brain and erythrocytes.
    When traumatic brain damage has a beneficial effect on its metabolism and electrical activity; it stops vasomotor cephalgia; reduces oxygen consumption by brain tissue, cardiac and respiratory insufficiency of the central genesis, promotes regression of focal hemispheric and stem symptoms. It stops allergic inflammation, in particular, with the development of leukotriene-dependent reaction of sulfite intolerance, manifestations of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis decrease.In combination with vitamins, pancreatic enzymes and colestyramine in children with hereditary enterooxaluric syndrome, slows the progression of the disease and prolongs life expectancy.
    Indications:Disorders of cerebral circulation (initial manifestations, transient ischemic attacks, ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, consequences of a previous stroke, discirculatory encephalopathy, myelopathy and radiculopathy) due to atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, vasomotor dystonia, spine diseases, neurosurgical operating injury of the brain and spinal cord, cranial trauma (concussion and bruise of the brain), Meniere's syndrome and disease, vegetative dysfunction, acute and chronic for respiratory diseases with subcompensated pulmonary hypertension, bronchospastic variant of bronchial obstruction (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis), acidosis in pneumonia, chronic nonspecific lung diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, diabetes and postoperative period,atopic bronchial asthma and pollinosis in children, atopic dermatitis, infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (acne, erysipelas, purulent-inflammatory complications in the sites of the spokes of the Ilizarov apparatus), diseases of the ENT organs and dental diseases, mucositis in radiation therapy of malignant neoplasms, infected wounds, trophic ulcers, rachitis-like diseases in children, hereditary enterooxaluric syndrome.

    IV.E70-E90.E87.2   Acidosis

    IX.I20-I25.I24.90   Acute ischemic heart disease, unspecified with hypertension

    IX.I20-I25   Cardiac ischemia

    VI.G40-G47.G45.8   Other transient cerebral ischemic attacks and associated syndromes

    VI.G90-G99.G93.4   Encephalopathy, unspecified

    VIII.H80-H83.H81.0   Ménière's disease

    VI.G90-G99.G95   Other diseases of the spinal cord

    IX.I10-I15.I15   Secondary Hypertension

    IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

    IX.I60-I69.I61   Intracerebral haemorrhage

    IX.I60-I69.I63.90   Unspecified cerebral infarction with hypertension

    IX.I60-I69.I63.9   Cerebral infarction, unspecified

    IX.I60-I69.I63.8   Other cerebral infarction

    XIX.S00-S09.S06.01   A concussion of the brain with an open intracranial wound

    X.J40-J47.J45.9   Asthma, unspecified

    X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

    XIX.S00-S09.S06.91   Intracranial injury, unspecified with open intracranial injury

    XIX.S00-S09.S06.90   Intracranial injury, unspecified, without open intracranial wound

    Contraindications:Hypersensitivity, severe renal dysfunction, increased convulsive readiness.
    Carefully:It has a bitter taste, so it is recommended that children drink milk, fruit juice or sweet tea to ease intake. When you appear at the beginning of the course of sleepiness, it is recommended to refrain from driving motor vehicles and occupations that require increased attention and reaction speed.
    Pregnancy and lactation:Contraindications to use during pregnancy and lactation.
    Dosing and Administration:
    Inside, externally, intravenously.
    Inside, washed down with water, as a solution to adults and children 30-50 mg / kg (or 1 ml of 15% solution for 5 kg of body weight), 1-4 times a day; course duration:
    - with violations of cerebral circulation and Meniere's syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, respiratory and acidosis diseases, atopic bronchial asthma in children - 1-4 weeks;
    - cranial trauma - from 3 weeks to 2 months;
    - with planned neurosurgical operations - within 5 days before and 10-14 days after the operation;
    - for the prevention of exacerbation of pollinosis - within 3 weeks before the expected seasonal deterioration and during the entire period of plant dusting.
    Outwardly: with infectious and inflammatory allergic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes - in the form of dressings, turundas and lotions with a solution daily until the disappearance of clinical manifestations; for the prevention of radiation mucositis - gauze wipes, moistened with a solution, fit into the projection of radiation beams 20 minutes before the exposure of the dose.
    Intravenously jet: the contents of 1-2 ampoules are diluted in 10-20 ml of sterile water for injection or 0.9% solution of sodium chloride, drip - in 200-400 ml of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride. Enter 1-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
    Side effects:Dyspeptic phenomena (with ingestion), drowsiness (at the beginning of treatment).
    Overdose:Cases of overdose are not established. Symptomatic treatment should be given.
    Interaction:Strengthens the antiaggregatory effect of acetylsalicylic acid.
    Special instructions:Use with antiaggregants and thrombolytics with increased caution.