Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Aminalon
    pills inwards 
    AKRIKHIN HFK, JSC     Russia
  • Aminalon
    pills inwards 
    ORGANICS, JSC     Russia
  • Aminalon
    pills inwards 
  • АТХ:

    N.03.A.G.03   Gamma-aminobutyric acid

    Pharmacodynamics:Stimulates metabolism in the brain, being the main inhibitory mediator of the central nervous system. Improves blood circulation and energy processes in the brain cells. Increases the oxidative activity of neurons. Improves the absorption of glucose by neurons and the utilization of toxic metabolic products. It interacts with GABA -ergic receptors of two types - A and B. It facilitates the restoration of speech and motor functions in patients who have suffered a cerebrovascular accident. Has moderate central hypotensive effect, which, nevertheless, does not affect cerebral hemoperfusion. Reduces hypertension-related symptoms, such as dizziness, insomnia and headache. In patients with diabetes mellitus reduces the blood glucose content.
    Pharmacokinetics:Absorption is fast. Malotoxic for humans. The maximum concentration of the drug in the plasma is observed after 60 minutes, then rapidly decreases.Eliminated from the plasma within 24 hours, after this time is not detected in the blood plasma. Elimination is mainly kidney in an unchanged form. In animal experiments, gamma-aminobutyric acid did not have the ability to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
    Indications:Gamma-aminobutyric acid is used mainly in the treatment of senile and elderly patients - in rehabilitation after a history of cerebral circulation.

    The transferred traumas of the brain - to improve the motor and mental activity of patients.

    At children at backlog of mental development with the lowered mental activity.

    With the consequences of alcoholism - alcoholic encephalopathy, polyneuritis, dementia.

    Endogenous depression with prevalence of astheno-hypochondriacal phenomena and difficulty of mental activity.

    V.F70-F79.F79   Mental retardation, unspecified

    VI.G60-G64.G62.1   Alcoholic polyneuropathy

    VI.G80-G83.G80   Cerebral palsy

    XIX.S00-S09.S06   Intracranial injury

    XIX.T66-T78.T75.3   Motion Slicking

    XIX.T90-T98.T90.5   Consequences of intracranial injury

    V.F00-F09.F03   Dementia, unspecified

    XVIII.R50-R69.R51   Headache

    IX.I60-I69.I69   Effects of cerebrovascular disease

    IX.I60-I69.I67.2   Cerebral atherosclerosis

    IX.I10-I15.I15   Secondary Hypertension

    IX.I10-I15.I10   Essential [primary] hypertension

    VIII.H80-H83.H81.9   Violation of vestibular function, unspecified

    VI.G40-G47.G45   Transitory transient cerebral ischemic attacks [attacks] and related syndromes

    V.F50-F59.F51.1   Drowsiness [hypersomnia] inorganic etiology

    V.F30-F39.F34.1   Dysthymia

    V.F30-F39.F32   Depressive episode

    V.F10-F19.F13   Mental and behavioral disorders caused by the use of sedatives or hypnotics

    V.F00-F09.F07.2   Postcontasia syndrome

    VI.G90-G99.G93.4   Encephalopathy, unspecified

    Contraindications:Hypersensitivity, children under 1 year old, acute renal failure, pregnancy (I trimester) and lactation.
    Carefully:No data.
    Pregnancy and lactation:The drug is contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and during lactation. Application in the II and III trimesters of pregnancy is possible by appointment of a doctor.
    Dosing and Administration:The drug is taken inside before meals to 0.25 g. Depending on the nature of nosology, adults are prescribed 0.5-1.25 (2-5 tablets) 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose of 4 grams, the maximum single dose - 1.5 g.

    Use in children

    Depending on the age, children are prescribed 0.5-3 g per day in equal portions. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 6 months, depending on the severity of the disease and the tolerability of the drug.

    Side effects:Gamma-aminobutyric acid is very low toxicity. Patients of different ages are well tolerated. Sometimes there may be digestive disorders, insomnia, a feeling of heat, fluctuations in blood pressure, which is however observed only in the first days of treatment. It is necessary to reduce the dose, after which these phenomena usually disappear quickly.
    Overdose:Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

    Treatment: gastric lavage, reception of activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

    Interaction:Strengthens the action of benzodiazepines, many hypnotic and antiepileptic drugs.
    Special instructions:During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and refraining from practicing potentially dangerous activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.