Active substanceSodium iodide [123I]Sodium iodide [123I]
Dosage form: & nbsporal solution

in 1 ml of the drug contains:

Active substances:

Yoda-123 not less than 100 MBq


Water for injections


A clear, colorless solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Radiopharmaceutical diagnostic tool
ATX: & nbsp



Physicochemical characteristics

Sodium iodide,123 I is an aqueous solution of sodium iodide with iodine-123 pH 7.0-9.0. The radiochemical purity of the preparation is 95%. Volumetric activity of at least 100 MB / ml at the date and time of preparation. The radioactive iodine-123 isotope decays with a half-life of 13.31 hours, by trapping the orbital electron and emitting monochromatic 159-keV gamma radiation (83.4%).

Pharmacological properties

Radioactive isotope 123I after the introduction into the body mainly accumulates in the thyroid gland. The amount of iodine-123 absorbed by the thyroid gland, as a percentage of the dose administered, on average is: after 2 hours - 14%, 4 hours - 19%, 24 hours - 27%.

Selective accumulation of iodine-123 in the thyroid gland allows the use of the drug for diagnostic purposes to determine the functional state and visualization of the gland by radiometry and scanning.The physical characteristics of iodine-123 radiation make it possible to use it for repeated studies in shorter terms and to obtain images of high quality.


The drug "Sodium iodide, 123I "is used in adults to assess the functional state and topography of the thyroid gland for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases.


- Hypersensitivity to the drug or its components;

- use in patients under the age of 18;

- application of the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

Dosing and Administration:

The drug "Sodium iodide, 123I "is taken internally.

Preparation of the patient

Research of the functional state and topography of the thyroid gland with iodine-123 is carried out not earlier than 1 month after stopping the patient's intake of products, medicines containing iodine, or drugs that affect the ability of the thyroid gland to accumulate iodine. These include: stable iodine (including contact with the skin or mucous membranes), iodine-containing multivitamin preparations, fluoride, bromine, thyroid, antithyroid drugs, as well as pituitary, sex and corticosteroid hormones.

Carrying out the procedure.

Before use, the preparation is brought with water to the desired activity by dilution.

To study the functional state of the thyroid gland, the patient is given an empty stomach to take 0.15 - 0.37 MBq of the drug dissolved in 30-50 ml of water, supplementing the introduction with flushing from the walls of the used dishes. Thyroid radiometry is carried out after 2, 4 and 24 hours. At the same time, radiometry is subjected to a phantom of the thyroid gland with the amount of radionuclide equal to the amount taken by the patient. The result is expressed as a percentage of the accumulation of the radionuclide from the administered amount.

To conduct gamma topographic studies, the patient is given an empty stomach on an empty stomach 8-10 MBq of the preparation. Optimum time of scanning of the thyroid gland 2-6 hours after iodine-123 administration.

Methods of research.

The functional state of the thyroid gland can be assessed by:

- the accumulation of iodine-123 in iron after 2, 4, 24 hours and later periods after taking the drug;

- the level of protein-bound iodine blood plasma.

The amount of iodine accumulation is 123 in the thyroid gland is the total index of the state of the inorganic and organic phases of iodine metabolism in this organ.The determination is made using a radiometer, placing the end of the sensor at a distance of 30 cm from the front surface of the neck. Radiometry standard, which is used as iodine-123 in an amount equal to the injected patient, is carried out under the same geometric conditions.

The percentage of radionuclide accumulation in the thyroid gland (A) is calculated by the formula:

A = (B - Nf) / (C - Nf) x 100%, where

B - iodine-123 content in iron, imp / min, C - iodine-123 content in the standard, imp / min; Nf - background, imp / min.

In healthy people, in the thyroid gland, after 2 hours, an average of 14% of the administered isotope amount is accumulated, after 4 hours -19%, after 24 hours - 27%.

With the aim of determination of the level of protein-bound iodine After a centrifugation of the selected blood sample, 4-5 ml of plasma is transferred to a tube and the protein is separated by adding three times a 10% solution of trichloroacetic acid in a volume equal to the volume of the plasma to be examined followed by centrifugation at 2000 rpm for 10 minutes. The resulting precipitate is dissolved in a 2M solution of caustic sodium or caustic potassium, leading to the original volume of the plasma, and radiometry is run in the well counter in parallel with the standard. As a standard, the drug diluted in a ratio of 1: 500 is used.The volume of the standard should be equal to the volume of plasma taken for radiometry.

The percentage of protein-bound iodine (A) is calculated by the formula:

A = (B - N) x 1000 / C x (D - Nf) x 100% / l, where

B - content of iodine-123 in the sample, imp / min; C is the volume of plasma taken for analysis, ml; D - iodine-123 content in the standard, imp / min; If-background, imp / min.

The normal level of protein-bound iodine is no more than 0.3%

Radiation loads on the organs and tissues of the patient when using the drug "Sodium iodide, 123I "


Absorbed dose, mGy / MBq



red marrow














small intestine










The effective equivalent dose (mSv / MBq)


Side effects:

Side effects with the use of the drug for diagnostic purposes are not revealed.

Overdose:Data on drug overdose are absent.
Interaction:Before the investigation of the thyroid gland for 2 to 4 weeks, it is necessary to stop taking iodine-containing, thyreblocking or radiocontrast preparations.
Special instructions:

Work with the drug should be in accordance with the "Basic Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Radiation Safety" (OSPORB-99).

Form release / dosage:Solution for oral administration in hermetically ukuporennyh bottles in portions of 50; 100; 300; 400; 1000 Mkb for the set date and time of delivery.
Packaging:Vials, transport packing kit for radioactive substances.
Storage conditions:

The drug is stored in compliance with the "Basic Sanitary Rules for Ensuring Radiation Safety" (OSPORB-99).

Shelf life:

48 hours from the date and time of manufacture.

Do not use after expiry date!

Terms of leave from pharmacies:For hospitals
Registration number:P N001372 / 01
Date of registration:22.05.2008
Expiration Date:Unlimited
The owner of the registration certificate:Radium Institute. VGKhlopina NGO, State Unitary Enterprise Radium Institute. VGKhlopina NGO, State Unitary Enterprise Russia
Manufacturer: & nbsp
Information update date: & nbsp26.05.2018
Illustrated instructions