Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antifungal means


Included in the formulation
  • BIOSINTEZ, PAO     Russia
  • АТХ:

    J.01.R.A   Combinations of antibacterial drugs



    Antifungal preparation from the group of polyenes. It binds to the sterols of the mycelial cell membrane, destroys permeability, leading to the death of fungal cells. Active with yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida and aspergillus.


    Bacteriostatic of a wide spectrum of action. It is active against reproducing bacteria. Linking to the 308 subunit of bacterial ribosomes, it inhibits the synthesis of proteins of prokaryotes, suspending the process of lengthening the polypeptide chain.

    It binds divalent ions to chelate complexes: calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc.

    It is active against aerobic gram-positive bacteria: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp. (including strains producing penicillinase); Gram-negative bacteria: Bordetella pertussis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Shigella spp., Salmonella spp .; anaerobic bacteria: Clostridium spp., as well as in relation, Chlamydia spp., Mycoplasma spp., Spirochaetaceae, Rickettsia spp.

    The combination of tetracycline with nystatin avoids the development of candidiasis.



    It is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, through mucous membranes, intact skin.Do not cumulate.

    Elimination with feces unchanged.


    After ingestion, up to 66% is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. The connection with plasma proteins is 65%. Penetrates into all organs and tissues, through the placental barrier and into breast milk, accumulates in the teeth and bone tissue, spleen, liver, tumors.

    It is not metabolized.

    Elimination of feces and kidneys.


    It is used for infectious diseases caused by sensitive flora, also with the goal of preventing postoperative complications.

    I.A00-A09.A09   Diarrhea and gastroenteritis of allegedly infectious origin

    I.A20-A28.A23   Brucellosis

    I.A50-A64.A52   Late syphilis

    I.A50-A64.A51   Early syphilis

    I.A50-A64.A50   Congenital syphilis

    I.A50-A64.A54   Gonococcal infection

    I.A70-A74.A71   Trachoma

    VII.H00-H06.H01.0   Blepharitis

    VII.H10-H13.H10.8   Other conjunctivitis

    VII.H10-H13.H10.4   Chronic conjunctivitis

    VII.H10-H13.H10.3   Acute conjunctivitis, unspecified

    IX.I30-I52.I33   Acute and subacute endocarditis

    I.B35-B49.B37.6   Candidiasis endocarditis (I39.8 *)

    X.J30-J39.J35.0   Chronic tonsillitis

    X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

    X.J10-J18.J15.8   Other bacterial pneumonia

    X.J10-J18.J15   Bacterial pneumonia, not elsewhere classified

    X.J40-J47.J41.0   Simple chronic bronchitis

    X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

    XIV.N10-N16.N11.1   Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis

    XII.L00-L08.L01   Impetigo

    XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

    XI.K80-K87.K81.0   Acute cholecystitis

    X.J85-J86.J86   Pythothrace

    XIV.N30-N39.N30   Cystitis

    XIV.N30-N39.N34   Urethritis and urethral syndrome

    XII.L00-L08.L08.0   Pyoderma

    XIII.M86-M90.M86   Osteomyelitis

    XII.L60-L75.L70   Acne

    XIV.N40-N51.N41   Inflammatory diseases of the prostate

    XIV.N70-N77.N70   Salpingitis and oophoritis

    XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.8   Other specified preventive measures


    Severe hepatic insufficiency, leukopenia, individual intolerance.


    Violations of the functions of the liver.

    Pregnancy and lactation:Recommendations for FDA - Category C. Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
    Dosing and Administration:

    Inside, washed down with a large amount of liquid, 0.25 mg 4 times / day.

    The highest daily dose: up to 2 g.

    The highest single dose: 0.25 mg.

    Side effects:

    Central and peripheral nervous system: headache, dizziness, increased intracranial pressure.

    The system of hematopoiesis: hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, neutropenia, eosinophilia.

    Digestive system: dyspeptic disorders, anorexia, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

    Dermatological reactions: photosensitivity, itchy skin.

    Allergic reactions.


    Increased side effects.

    Treatment is symptomatic.


    Reduces the effectiveness of bactericidal antibiotics: penicillins, cephalosporins.

    Absorption decreases with simultaneous use with antacids and iron preparations.

    The concentration of the drug in the blood plasma increases with simultaneous application with chymotrypsin.

    Special instructions:

    When treating the drug is recommended to limit insolation. In order to prevent hypovitaminosis during treatment, it is recommended to take vitamins B and K.
