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Dosage form: & nbspbalm for oral and external use
Per 100 ml:

Ash white juice (Fraxinus omus L., sem. Oleaceae) 0.1360 g, Curcuma long rhizome (Curcuma longa L., sem. Zingiberaceae) 0.1380 g, Angelica medicinal roots (Angelica archangelica L., sem. Apiaceae) 0.1360 g, Gentian yellow roots (Gentiana lutea L., sem. Gentianaceae) 0,0500 g, Nutmeg fruit (Myristica fragrans Houtt., sem. Myristicaceae) 0.0280 g, Prickly stem without stems (Carlina acaulis L., sem. Asteraceae) 0.0680 g, Licorice bare root (Glycyrrhiza glabra L., sem. Fabaceae) 0.0170 g, Devyasil high rhizomes and roots (Inula helenium L., the family. Asteraceae) 0,0020 g, Common golden grasses (Centaurium erythrata Rafn., sem. Gentianaceae) 0.0013 g, Clove tree flowers (Caryophyllus aromaticus L., sem. Myrtaceae) 0.0030 g, Kalgan present rhizome (Alpinia officinarum Напсе, сем. Zingiberaceae) 0.0014 g, Ginger present rhizome (Zingeber officinale Roscoe, family. Zingiberaceae) 0.0015 g, Wolves of curly grass (Cnicus benedictus L., sem. Asteraceae) 0.0015 g, Yarrow Muscatine grass (Ivae moschatae L., sem. Asteraceae) 0.0006 g, iris of Germanic rhizome (Iris germanica L., sem. Iridaceae) 0,0005 g, Mullein of an ordinary flower (Verbascum thapsus L., sem. Scrophulariaceae) 0.0014 g, Pomeranian bitter fruit peel (Citrus aurantium ssp. Amara L., sem. Rutaceae) 0.0031 g, Ayr of bog rootstock (Acorns calamus L., sem. Araceae) 0.0047 g, Wormwood bitter grass (Artemisia absinthium L., sem. Asteraceae) 0.0035 g, Orange Curacao fruit skinned (Citrus aurantium L. var. Curacao, family. Rutaceae) 0.0038 g, Pepper cubebe fruit (Piper cubebae L., sem. Piperacea) 0.0017 grams, Badjana real fruit (Illicium verum Hook, f, sem. Illiciaceae) 0.0046 g, Orange sweet fruit peel (Pericarpium Aurantii dulcis L., sem. Rutaceae) 0.0011 g, Three-leaf watches leaves (Menyanthes trifoliata L., sem. Menyanthaceae) 0.0120 T, Mirra resin dried resin (Commiphora Molmol Eng., sem. Burseraceae) 0.0700 g, Teriak 0.0970 g, Ramsem powder (Camphora racemica) 0,0950 g, Ethyl alcohol 96% 32,320 g, Food color (E 150 a) 0.4599 g, Water purified to 100 ml.


Transparent liquid of a yellowish-brown color with a fragrant smell. During storage, a slight amorphous precipitate is formed.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:Generalizing agent of plant origin
ATX: & nbsp
  • Tetanus preparations
  • Pharmacodynamics:

    General strengthening, increasing nonspecific resistance of the body, spasmolytic, choleretic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, local anesthetic for external injuries, which facilitates the normalization of metabolism, has a mild soothing effect.



    1. As a sedative for increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders.

    2. As a general restorative during the recovery period after the diseases, operations, increased physical and mental stress, trauma, stress.

    3. As a part of complex therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, chronic gastritis outside the stage of exacerbation, dyskinesia of bile ducts; propensity to constipation.

    4. As part of complex therapy during rehabilitation in patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    5. In complex therapy of lipid metabolism disorders, hyperlipidemia.

    6. As a means of increasing nonspecific resistance of the body, in patients with secondary immunological failure, including in patients receiving radiotherapy.

    Topical application:

    1. As a local anti-inflammatory drug with a slight analgesic effect for the treatment of post-traumatic pain.

    2. To relieve inflammation and itching in places of insect bites.

    3. For the treatment and prevention of exacerbations of inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity.


    1. Hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug;

    2. Renal failure;

    3. Cirrhosis of the liver, hepatic insufficiency, obturative diseases of the biliary tract;

    4. Pancreatitis, craniocerebral trauma, brain diseases;

    5. Pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding;

    6. Alcoholism;

    7. Children under 18 years;

    8. With topical application - dermatological diseases, lesions, skin irritations, open and bleeding wounds in the area of ​​presumed application of the drug.

    Dosing and Administration:


    With pathology of the gastrointestinal tract - 1-2 teaspoons (5-10 ml) of undiluted or diluted in 50-100 ml of water or tea preparation for half an hour before meals 3 times a day with normal or low acidity of gastric juice. With increased acidity 2-3 times a day an hour after eating. The course of treatment is one month.

    Diseases of the cardiovascular system during recovery - 2 teaspoons 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day for one month.

    As a general restorative after a number of infectious diseases, operations, injuries - 10 ml 3-4 times a day for 21-28 days.

    In the recovery period after radiation therapy - starting from the first day after irradiation, in diluted form (100 ml of water or weak tea) 10 ml 3 times daily before meals for 2.5-3 months.

    Local application:

    As a local anti-inflammatory agent in acute or exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx - dilute 3 teaspoons of the drug in sufficient water and rinse the mouth or throat three times a day for 1 -3 minutes.

    With joint pain and closed traumatic damage to soft tissues - the necessary amount of balm to apply to the skin on the painful area and rub until completely absorbed, after which you can apply a dry warming compress or wrapping.

    With insect bites, inflammatory skin diseases (without secondary damage to the skin) and mucous membranes - moisten with the necessary amount of the preparation of the site of lesions.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions are possible.


    Cases of overdose have not been registered to date.


    Clinically significant interaction of the drug with other drugs has not been established. Do not simultaneously prescribe the drug with medicines, in which use is prohibited alcohol intake.

    Special instructions:

    With a high level of basal secretion of gastric juice, taking the drug on an empty stomach can be accompanied by mild heartburn or discomfort. In this case, it is recommended to take the drug one hour after eating.

    The composition of the drug includes ethyl alcohol (ethanol) 96%. In the maximum single dose (10 ml) of the drug contains 3.15 g of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), in the maximum daily dose (30-40 ml) of the drug - 9.46 - 2.6 g of ethyl alcohol (ethanol).

    It is not recommended to apply undiluted preparation on open wounds in connection with possible local cauterizing action of alcohol.

    Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:

    During the period of application of the drug, one should refrain from carrying out potentially dangerous activities requiring special attention and quick reactions (vehicle management, work with moving mechanisms).

    Form release / dosage:Balm for oral and external use.

    To 50, 100 or 250 ml in bottles made of brown glass, sealed with metal screw caps, with the control of the first opening.

    Each bottle, along with instructions for use, is placed in a cardboard box.

    Storage conditions:

    At a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C, in a place protected from light.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life:

    5 years.

    Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

    Terms of leave from pharmacies:Without recipe
    Registration number:П N012066 / 01
    Date of registration:25.10.2011
    Expiration Date:Unlimited
    The owner of the registration certificate:Moscow representative office of Herbs Trading GmbHMoscow representative office of Herbs Trading GmbH
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Information update date: & nbsp11.06.2017
    Illustrated instructions