Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Onbrez® Brizhaler®
    capsules d / inhal. 
    Novartis Pharma AG     Switzerland
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):




    R.03.A.C.18   Indacaterol


    Selectively stimulates β2-adrenoceptors of smooth muscles. When binding the drug to β2-adrenoceptors, adenylate cyclase is activated. This enzyme causes an increase in the intracellular concentration of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. As a result, protein kinase A is activated, which leads to a disruption of the interaction of actin and myosin in the smooth muscle cells of the bronchi, as a result of which the bronchi are relaxed. Besides indacaterol affects the cells of the epithelium of the bronchi, which determines the expectorant effect.

    The drug inhibits the release of mast cells leukotrienes, provoking bronchospasm.


    After a single inhalation, the drug is absorbed into the lungs and intestines. Bioavailability is 43%. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma is reached after 15 minutes.

    The half-life is 40-56 hours.


    It is used for sustained therapy of patients with impaired bronchial patency.

    X.J40-J47.J44   Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


    Thyrotoxicosis, zakratougolnaya glaucoma, pheochromocytoma, acute period of myocardial infarction, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, individual intolerance, children under 18 years.


    The condition after a recent myocardial infarction, renal and hepatic insufficiency, myocarditis, cardiac arrhythmias, mitral valve defects, hypokalemia, unstable and uncompensated diabetes.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Recommendations for FDA - Category C. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Inhalation daily once a day, preferably every 24 hours.

    The highest daily dose: 150 mg (1 capsule for one inhalation).

    The highest single dose: 150 mg (1 capsule for one inhalation).

    Side effects:

    Central and peripheral nervous system: headache, anxiety, tremor of fingers.

    Hemopoietic system: hypokalemia, thrombocytopenia.

    The cardiovascular system: increase or decrease in blood pressure, tachycardia, ventricular extrasystole.

    Digestive system: nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth.

    Dermatological reactions: skin rash, hives.

    urinary system: violation of urination.

    Allergic reactions.


    Tremor of extremities, tachycardia, anxiety.

    Treatment is symptomatic.


    Reduces the effect of insulin and sulfonylurea derivatives.

    Sympathomimetic drugs enhance the effects of indacaterol.

    β-adrenoblockers eliminate or reduce the effect of indacaterol.

    Simultaneous use with MAO inhibitors, cardiac glycosides, theophylline leads to cardiac rhythm disturbances.

    Special instructions:

    During treatment, patients should be careful when driving a car and working with moving machinery.
