Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Local irritants

Included in the formulation

N.01.B.X.04   Capsaicin

Pharmacodynamics:Pharmacological action - distracting, locally irritating, analgesic. Capsaicin has a local irritating, distracting, analgesic, warming, resorptive and anti-inflammatory effect. Designed for the rapid treatment of closed injuries.

Capsaicin is found in the extract of peppers and has a strong irritant effect on sensitive skin receptors. Lavender, coriander and chloroform oils have similar properties.

The mechanism of action is due to the overlapping of the exciting impulses from the diseased organ with impulses (from the site of the effect of the drug) at the CNS level, stimulation of the formation and release of endorphins and enkephalins into the CNS. Thus, the pain syndrome is suppressed or significantly weakened.

Capsaicin in the form of an ointment not only reduces pain, but also has a strong resorptive and anti-inflammatory effect. Causes reflex dilatation of small vessels, improves blood supply in the affected area, as a result of which lympho- and capillary drainage of the pathological focus is intensified and the products of inflammation are removed.

When rubbing the ointment after 10-15 minutes, there is hyperemia and a feeling of heat.

Pharmacokinetics:The drug does not have a resorptive effect.
Indications:- Muscular, articular and neuralgic pains (neuralgia, radiculitis, deforming arthrosis, lumbago);

- bruises, sprains and rupture of muscles without disturbing the integrity of the skin;

- consequences of dislocations and fractures.

XIII.M05-M14.M13.0   Polyarthritis, unspecified

XIII.M15-M19   Osteoarthritis

XIII.M50-M54.M54   Dorsalgia

XIII.M50-M54.M54.4   Lumbago with sciatica

XIII.M50-M54.M54.3   Sciatica

XIII.M70-M79.M79.1   Myalgia

XIII.M70-M79.M79.2   Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified

XIX.T08-T14   Injuries to the unspecified part of the trunk, limb or body region

XIX.T08-T14.T14.3   Dislocation, stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint of the unspecified area of ​​the body

Contraindications:Individual intolerance to the drug; violation of the integrity of the skin; pregnancy; the period of breastfeeding; acute arthritis.
Pregnancy and lactation:The FDA category is not defined. Contraindicated in pregnancy. For the duration of treatment, breastfeeding should be discontinued.
Dosing and Administration:The drug is used externally, apply a thin layer on the previously washed out dry skin, with joint diseases - 1 time per day for 3 days,then - 2 times a day (morning and evening); for warming up the muscles of athletes during massage - a strip of ointment 3-5 cm long is carefully rubbed into the skin.
Side effects:Skin allergic reactions at the place of application. Itching, scaling of the skin.
Overdose:To date, no cases of overdose have been reported in the literature.
Interaction:Data on drug interaction of the drug are not provided.
Special instructions:Do not get ointment in the eyes! Ointment can be applied only to undamaged skin. Do not simultaneously lubricate the entire skin surface. After rubbing the ointment hands should be thoroughly washed with warm water and soap.