Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation

A.02.A.B.04   Dihydroxyaluminum sodium carbonate (Carbaldrate)


Carbaldrate shows antacid properties, neutralizing hydrochloric acid, which is part of the gastric juice. The cytoprotective effect of the drug is manifested when ingested, resulting in a uniform protective film on the surface of the gastric mucosa.

Carbaldrate reduces the phosphate content in the blood and urine. By reducing the serum phosphate concentration carbaldrate increases the release of calcium from the bones, that is, has a hypercalcemic effect.

Antiolytic action of carbaldrate is to inhibit the precipitation of phosphate stones.

When ingestion quickly manifests its properties, the duration of action is 2-3 hours.

Pharmacokinetics:No information.
Indications:Acute gastritis; chronic gastritis with increased and normal secretory function of the stomach in the phase of exacerbation; acute duodenitis; peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the phase of exacerbation; hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm; dyspepsia caused by high acidity.

XI.K20-K31.K25   Stomach ulcer

XI.K20-K31.K26   Duodenal ulcer

XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

XI.K40-K46.K44   Diaphragmatic hernia

XVIII.R10-R19.R12   Heartburn

Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to carbaldrate.
Carefully:Severe renal dysfunction. In patients with renal insufficiency, unwanted systemic effects due to the action of aluminum (unstable mood, increased fatigue) are possible. Childhood.
Pregnancy and lactation:Contraindicated in pregnancy. There is no data on the penetration of the drug into breast milk. At the time of application, breastfeeding should be discontinued.
Dosing and Administration:The drug is taken orally after meals 300-600 mg (340-680 mg) 4 times a day. The maximum daily allowance is 2720 mg. The maximum single dose of 680 mg.

Application in elderly patients

Use in the elderly has not been systematically studied. There is no data on the need to change the dosage of the drug.

Use in children

There is no data on the use of the drug in children. Use with caution. Only a qualified pediatrician can prescribe the drug.

Side effects:Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching, fever.

From the digestive system: rarely - constipation; in some cases - small bowel obstruction; sometimes a quickening of the stool.

Other: at long application or reception in high doses - infringement of acid-base balance.

Overdose:Until now, no cases of overdose have been reported. Treatment of a possible overdose - symptomatic therapy, monitoring and maintenance of vital functions. Information on the removal of the drug by hemodialysis is absent.
Interaction:With simultaneous use with anticholinergic drugs, due to the slowing down of gastric emptying under the influence of anticholinergic drugs, it is possible to increase and prolong the duration of action of carbaldrate.

With simultaneous application, the absorption of indomethacin, salicylates, aminazine, phenytoin, histamine H2-receptor blockers, beta-adrenoblockers, diflunizal, isoniazid, antibiotics of the tetracycline group, indirect anticoagulants, barbiturates decreases and slows down.

Special instructions:With prolonged use, it is necessary to monitor the level of aluminum in the blood plasma, which should not exceed 40 μg / l.

In patients with renal insufficiency, unwanted systemic effects due to the action of aluminum (unstable mood, increased fatigue) can occur.

Diabetes mellitus is not a contraindication for the use of carbaldrate. To avoid the development of neurotoxic phenomena, carbaldrate for a long time in large doses.
