Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Nitrates and nitrate-like agents

Included in the formulation
Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):



C.01.D.A   Organic nitrates


By activation of guanyl cyclase increases the amount of cGMP in the cells of the vascular wall, reduces the tone of the vessels.

Oppresses the vasomotor center, resulting in the widening of peripheral vessels, primarily cerebral and coronary. Reduces the need for myocardium in oxygen, reduces hypoxia of the brain. Increases intraocular and intracranial pressure.

Under the action of amylnitrite in the blood formed methemoglobin, which binds the ion CN, forming a nontoxic cyanmethylglobin, which does not have a damaging effect on tissue respiratory enzymes.


The vasodilating effect begins in 30-60 seconds, becomes maximum after 1-2 minutes and lasts for 3-5 minutes.

After inhalation, the drug is deposited in the pulmonary alveoli, metabolized in the liver and excreted in the urine.


Used for poisoning with cyanides (salts of hydrocyanic acid), as well as for the prevention of erectile dysfunction after surgery.

XIX.T51-T65.T65.0   Toxic effect of cyanides

XIX.T51-T65.T57.3   The toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide


Individual intolerance. Severe anemia, glaucoma, arterial hypotension, hemorrhagic stroke, intracranial hypertension, recent head trauma.


With caution apply in the elderly, prone to orthostatic hypotension and patients taking antihypertensive drugs.

In patients with methaemoglobin reductase deficiency due to alcoholic intoxication, the development of tolerance to amyl nitrite is likely.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Pregnancy and lactation: recommendations on the FDA - group C. It is not recommended for admission, because vasodilation leads to impaired placental blood flow. Data on penetration into breast milk are absent. It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during treatment.

Dosing and Administration:

It is used inhalation, the drug from the ampoule is applied to a handkerchief or gauze tampon. Vapors are inhaled in a prone or sitting position.

Dosage for children over 5 years: 1-2 drops.

Adults: 2-3 drops each.

Serve for 30-60 seconds after inhalation, five minutes before the patient regains consciousness. Then repeat the inhalation after 10-20 minutes and one hour during the day. The highest daily dose: 0.5-1 ml, 30-60 drops.

The highest single dose for adults is 6 drops (0.1 ml).

Side effects:

Allergic reactions.


In the amount of 5-10 drops: hyperemia of the face, a strong ("splitting") headache, tachycardia.

Over 10 drops - diffuse cyanosis, choking, anxiety, increased sweating, falling blood pressure to collapse.

Treatment: oxygen supply under increased pressure, blood transfusion.

Specific antidote - methylene blue (1% solution of methylthioninium hydrochloride) in a dose of 1 mg / kg of weight. The patient needs to breathe deeply and flex-unbend limbs.


Potentiates the effect of antihypertensive drugs, weakens the action of norepinephrine and epinephrine.

With the combined intake of alcohol, a collapse develops.

Special instructions:

As an anti-anginal remedy is used only in the complete absence of other medications.

It is used not for the prescription of the doctor as a narcotic drug or for increased erectile function - Overdoses are frequent.

The ampoule opens with strong cotton due to increased pressure from vapors formed during storage. Amyl nitrite vapor is explosive.The drug is stored away from open sources of fire and sunlight. When using the drug, medical professionals should use masks to avoid inhaling fumes.
