Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Retabolil
    solution w / m 
    GEDEON RICHTER, OJSC     Hungary
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):




    A.14.A.B.01   Nandrolone


    Stimulation of anabolic processes in tissues, a decrease in catabolic processes, an increase in the production of erythropoietin, an increase in the concentration of hemoglobin, and an increase in the volume of erythrocytes. Anabolic, antianemic, antineoplastic pharmacological effects.


    The maximum concentration of nandrolone decanoate after intramuscular injection in a dose of 100 mg 3-6 days, nandrolone fenpropionate - 1-2 days. Metabolism in the liver to various forms of 17-ketosteroids. Elimination by the kidneys (90%) and feces (10%).


    Diabetic retinopathy; progressive muscular dystrophy; the Verdnig-Hoffmann syndrome; states characterized by a negative balance of calcium ions (senile and post-menopausal osteoporosis, long-term glucocorticoid therapy); increased catabolic processes that deplete the body's resources (chronic infectious diseases, severe injuries, extensive surgical interventions, steroid myopathy); anemia in chronic renal failure, myelofibrosis, myelosclerosis, myeloid bone marrow aplasia (refractory to conventional therapy),defeat of the bone marrow metastases of malignant neoplasms, myelotoxic drugs and heavy metal salts; Inoperable (with metastases) of breast carcinoma in postmenopausal women or after ovariectomy; growth retardation in children caused by a deficiency of growth hormone.

    VI.G70-G73.G73.7 *   Myopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere

    VI.G70-G73.G73.6 *   Myopathy in metabolic disorders

    VI.G70-G73.G73.5 *   Myopathy in endocrine diseases

    VI.G70-G73.G73.4 *   Myopathy in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere

    VI.G70-G73.G72.9   Myopathy, unspecified

    VI.G70-G73.G72.4   Inflammatory myopathy, not elsewhere classified

    VI.G70-G73.G72.2   Myopathy caused by another toxic substance

    VI.G70-G73.G72.1   Alcohol Myopathy

    VI.G70-G73.G72.0   Drug myopathy

    VI.G70-G73.G71.3   Mitochondrial myopathy, not elsewhere classified

    XIII.M80-M85.M82.8 *   Osteoporosis in other diseases classified elsewhere

    XIII.M80-M85.M82.1 *   Osteoporosis in endocrine disorders (E00-E34 +)

    XIII.M80-M85.M82.0 *   Osteoporosis in multiple myelomatosis (C90.0 +)

    XIII.M80-M85.M82 *   Osteoporosis in diseases classified elsewhere

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.9   Osteoporosis, unspecified

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.8   Other osteoporosis

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.6   Localized osteoporosis [Lekena]

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.5   Idiopathic osteoporosis

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.4   Medicinal osteoporosis

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.3   Post-surgical osteoporosis caused by impaired suction

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.2   Osteoporosis caused by immobility

    XIII.M80-M85.M81.0   Postmenopausal osteoporosis

    XIII.M80-M85.M81   Osteoporosis without pathological fracture

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.9   Osteoporosis with pathological fracture, unspecified

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.8   Other osteoporosis with pathological fracture

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.5   Idiopathic osteoporosis with pathological fracture

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.4   Medicinal osteoporosis with pathological fracture

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.3   Post-surgical osteoporosis with pathological fracture caused by impaired intestinal absorption

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.2   Osteoporosis with pathological fracture, caused by immobility

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.1   Osteoporosis with a pathological fracture after removal of the ovaries

    XIII.M80-M85.M80.0   Postmenopausal osteoporosis with pathological fracture

    XIII.M80-M85.M80   Osteoporosis with pathological fracture


    Hypersensitivity, prostate cancer, malignant breast tumors in men, breast carcinoma in women with hypercalcemia (able to activate osteoclasts and cause bone resorption),pregnancy (has embryotoxicity, fetotoxicity, can cause musculation of the fetus female); acute and chronic liver diseases, including alcoholic lesions; nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, pregnancy, breast-feeding.


    Renal failure, heart failure, elderly age, children under 18 years.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Category FDA X.

    The use is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Intramuscularly, deeply. Nandrolone decanoate: with anemia (concomitant with iron preparations) - 100-200 mg (women - 50-100 mg) once a week; for stimulation of anabolic processes - 50-200 mg (for women - 50-100 mg) 1 time in 1-4 weeks; children 2-13 years - 25-50 mg once every 3-4 weeks. Duration of the course (at 1-4 weeks interval between injections) - up to 12 weeks, repeated course - 8 weeks after the last injection of the drug. Treatment is carried out against a protein-rich diet. With carcinoma of the breast (nandrolone phenylpropionate) - 50-100 mg once a week; the duration of the course is individual.

    Side effects:

    In men and women, progression of atherosclerosis (an increase in LDL concentration and a decrease in HDL cholesterol), iron deficiency anemia, peripheral edema,Dyspeptic disorders (abdominal and epigastric pains, nausea, vomiting), liver dysfunction with jaundice, leukemia-like syndrome (changes in leukocyte formula, pain in long tubular bones), hypocoagulation with a tendency to bleeding, hepatonecrosis (dark stools, vomiting with an admixture blood, headache, discomfort, respiratory failure), hepatocellular carcinoma, hepatic purpura (dark urine, discoloration of the stool, urticaria, spot or macular haemorrhagic rashes on the skin and mucous membranes kah, pharyngitis or tonsillitis), cholestatic hepatitis (yellow coloration of the sclera and skin, pain in the right upper quadrant, dark-colored urine, discolored stool). In women, virilism (increased clitoris, coarsening of the voice, dis- and amenorrhea, hair growth by the male type), hypercalcemia (CNS depression, nausea, vomiting, fatigue). In men: in the prepubertal period - virilism (acne, penis enlargement, priapism, the formation of secondary sexual characteristics), idiopathic hyperpigmentation of the skin, slowing or stopping growth (calcification of epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones); in the post-pubertal period -irritation of the urinary bladder (increased frequency of urge), compaction of the mammary glands, gynecomastia, priapism, in the elderly - hypertrophy and / or carcinoma of the prostate.


    Manifestations of toxic liver damage.

    Treatment is symptomatic.


    Glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, corticotropin, sodium-containing drugs and foods rich in sodium, potentiate (mutually) the fluid retention in the body, increase the risk of edema development, increase the severity of acne eruptions. Strengthens the effects of antiplatelet agents, indirect anticoagulants, insulin and oral antidiabetics (inhibits their biotransformation), weakens the growth hormone and its derivatives (accelerates the mineralization of epiphyseal growth zones of tubular bones). Reduces the hepatotoxicity of other drugs.

    Special instructions:

    To achieve the optimal therapeutic effect during the treatment period, the patient should receive adequate amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals from the food.

    In case of signs of virilization nandrolone should be canceled.

    Anabolic steroids can cause increased glucose tolerance and reduce the need for insulin and other hypoglycemic drugs in patients with diabetes mellitus.

    The use of anabolic steroids for the purpose of stimulating athletic qualities can cause serious damage to health and is unacceptable.
