Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Lazolvan® Reno
    spray nazal. 
  • АТХ:

    R.01.A.A.09   Tramazolin


    The α agonist1- and α2-adrenoreceptors: stimulation of α1-adrenoreceptors of the veins of the nasal mucosa and α2adrenoreceptors of arterioles.


    Possible absorption with the development of systemic effects (hypertension). Tramazolin and its metabolites are distributed in all internal organs, the maximum concentration is noted in the liver.


    Edema of the nasal mucosa, nasal congestion caused by acute respiratory diseases and / or pollinosis (rhinitis, hay fever).

    With sinusitis and otitis media (eustachyte) to facilitate the outflow of the paranasal sinuses (at the doctor's recommendation).

    VIII.H65-H75.H66   Purulent and unspecified otitis media

    VIII.H65-H75.H68   Inflammation and occlusion of the auditory [Eustachian] tube

    X.J00-J06.J00   Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose)

    X.J00-J06.J01   Acute Sinusitis

    X.J30-J39.J30.1   Allergic rhinitis caused by pollen of plants

    X.J30-J39.J31   Chronic rhinitis, nasopharyngitis and pharyngitis

    X.J30-J39.J32   Chronic Sinusitis


    Hypersensitivity, atrophic rhinitis, children's age (up to 6 years).


    Closed-angle glaucoma, pregnancy, breast-feeding.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Adequate and well-controlled studies in humans and animals have not been conducted.Carefully! There is no information on the penetration into breast milk. Adequate and well-controlled studies in humans and animals have not been conducted. Carefully!

    Category of recommendations for FDA is not defined.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed one injection in each nasal passage (up to 4 injections in each nasal passage per day).

    Do not use the drug for more than 5-7 days without prescribing a doctor.

    Side effects:

    From the side nervous system: rarely (≥ 0.01% and <0.1%) - dizziness, flawed sensations; infrequently (≥ 0.1% and <1%) - headache; frequency not established - drowsiness, sedation.

    From the side mentality: infrequently (≥ 0.1% and <1%) - anxiety; frequency is not established - hallucinations, insomnia.

    From the side of cardio-vascular system: infrequently (≥ 0.1% and <1%) - palpitations; frequency not established - arrhythmia, tachycardia, increased blood pressure.

    From the side respiratory system: often (≥ 1% and <10%) - nasal discomfort; infrequently (≥ 0.1% and <1%) - swelling of the nose, dry nose, rhinorrhea, sneezing; rarely (≥0.01% and <0.1%) - nasal bleeding.

    From the side GIT: infrequently (≥ 0.1% and <1%) - nausea.

    From the side immune system: frequency not established - hypersensitivity.

    From the side skin and subcutaneous tissues: frequency not established - rash, itching, swelling of the skin.

    Other: frequency not established - swelling of the mucous membrane, fatigue.


    Symptoms: severe depression of the central nervous system, especially in children (significant hypothermia, bradycardia, sweating, drowsiness and coma). In children, use with great caution or not apply at all!

    Treatment symptomatic.


    Some antidepressants (MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants) and vasoconstrictor drugs with simultaneous administration may cause an increase in blood pressure.

    Combination with tricyclic antidepressants may lead to arrhythmia.

    Simultaneous reception with antihypertensive drugs (especially those that affect the sympathetic nervous system) can lead to various cardiovascular effects.

    Special instructions:

    α-adrenomimetic is an imidazole derivative used as a nasal and conjunctival decongestant.
