Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


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  • АТХ:

    R.01.A.X   Other drugs for topical use in diseases of the nose

    R.01.A.X.08   Framicetin


    Antibiotic of aminoglycoside group for topical application in otorhinolaryngology. Has a wide range of antibacterial action. It is active against gram-positive microorganisms - Staphylococcus spp. (resistant to penicillins and other antibiotics), some strains Streptococcus spp., Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella spp.,Enterobacter spp., Salmonella spp., Shigella spp, Proteus spp., causing the development of infectious and inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. Framicetin resistant Treponema spp., some strains Streptococcus spp., anaerobic microorganisms. It is bactericidal. Resistance to framicetin develops slowly and to a small extent.

    Irreversible binding to specific receptors of bacterial ribosomes with violation of their interaction with matrix RNA, violation of protein synthesis and increased permeability of cytoplasmic membranes.

    Framicetin is a polar structure, therefore it penetrates into bacterial cells through passive diffusion through the porins of the outer membrane. By active transport, the drug moves through the cytoplasmic membrane. This phase was called volatile.Divalent cations (Ca2 + or Mg2 +), hyperosmolar medium (eg urine), anaerobic conditions (abscess), low pH values ​​slow down the transport of Framichetin through the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria, which significantly reduces its antibacterial activity. In the cytoplasm of bacteria, the drug binds to the 30S subunit of the ribosome of the bacterial cell and disrupts the initial stages of protein synthesis on the ribosomes (the formation of the initiating complex is blocked) and the ribosome movement along the filament of the matrix RNA. Framicetin also violates the process of reading the matrix PHK code, which leads to the connection wrong amino acids into the growing polypeptide chain and the synthesis of functionally inactive proteins. These aberrant proteins are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane and damage it, thereby facilitating the transport of subsequent drug molecules. Thus, the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of microorganisms for ions and proteins increases.

    Disturbance of protein synthesis in the early stages and increase in the permeability of the cytoplasmic membrane of bacteria ensure bactericidal action.

    Pharmacokinetics:When topical application has a low systemic absorption.
    Indications:Local treatment of infectious-inflammatory ENT diseases (including rhinitis, rhinopharyngitis, sinusitis); prevention and treatment of postoperative infections.

    X.J00-J06.J00   Acute nasopharyngitis (runny nose)

    X.J00-J06.J01   Acute Sinusitis

    X.J00-J06.J02   Acute pharyngitis

    X.J00-J06.J03   Acute tonsillitis

    X.J30-J39.J31.0   Chronic rhinitis

    Contraindications:Hypersensitivity(including other aminoglycosides). Kidney disease (nephrosis, nephritis), auditory nerve, pregnancy and lactation (adequate safety studies have not been performed). The drug should not be taken to wash the paranasal sinuses.
    Carefully:No data.
    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Category of recommendations for FDA is not defined. Adequate and strictly controlled clinical trials of drug safety during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) were not conducted.

    Complications are not registered.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Intranasal for 1 injection in each nasal passage to adults - 4-6 times a day, children - 3 times a day. Duration of treatment is not more than 7-10 days. Drops are instilled in 1-2 drops 4-6 times a day in each nasal passage with an interval of 2-3 hours.

    Eye infections: bacterial blepharitis, conjunctivitis (inferior to 1% fusidic acid), damage and corneal ulcers - 0.5% solution.

    Side effects:In rare cases, skin allergic reactions, development of superinfection (if used more than 10 days) are possible.
    Overdose:Not described
    Interaction:Clinically significant interactions of framicetin with other drugs have not been identified.
    Special instructions:With prolonged (more than 10 days) therapy, dysbacteriosis and the emergence of resistant strains are possible. Do not use to wash the paranasal sinuses. Lack of improvement within 7-10 days requires replacement of treatment.