Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Mucolytics and stimulators of motor function of the respiratory tract

Included in the formulation
  • Elmucin
    capsules inwards 
  • Erdomed
    granules inwards 
    Medcom International sr.o.     Czech Republic
  • Erdomed
    capsules inwards 
    Medcom International sr.o.     Czech Republic
  • АТХ:

    R.05.C.B   Mucolytics

    R.05.C.B.15   Erdostein


    Has mucolytic and expectorant effect. Efficacy is due to the action of active metabolites. Thiol groups of metabolites cause disruption of disulfide bridges that bind glycoprotein fibers, which leads to a decrease in the viscosity of the bronchial secretion and facilitating its departure. As a result, ergostein accelerates the release of the respiratory tract from secretion, improves the secretory function of the epithelium and increases the efficiency of mucociliary transport in their upper and lower divisions. Oppresses the adhesion of bacteria to the epithelium of the respiratory tract.

    Amino groups of the drug block free oxygen radicals and prevent the inactivation of α1-antitrypsin in tobacco smokers, thereby reducing the damaging effect of tobacco smoke in chronic smokers. Increases concentration Ig A in the mucosa of the respiratory tract in patients with chronic obstructive diseases, protects the granulocytes from the damaging effects of tobacco smoke.

    Increases concentration of amoxicillin in bronchial secretion, which allows for a faster response to therapy than monotherapy amoxicillin. The effect of therapy with ergotosterin is developed on 3-4 days of treatment. Does not affect the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, since it does not contain free SH-radicals.


    After oral administration, it is rapidly absorbed. Metabolized in the liver with the formation of three active metabolites, the most important of them - Nthiodiglycolyl homocysteine. Maximum concentration in blood plasma is achieved after 1-2 hours. With proteins of blood plasma, 64% of endostein binds.

    Therapeutic effect develops on 3-4 days after the start of admission.

    Half-life is 5 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys. With renal failure, metabolites can be accumulated.


    Diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum: acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectatic disease, pneumonia, bronchial asthma with difficulty in sputum discharge, cystic fibrosis.

    X.J10-J18.J15.9   Bacterial pneumonia, unspecified

    X.J10-J18.J15.8   Other bacterial pneumonia

    X.J40-J47.J45   Asthma

    X.J40-J47.J42   Chronic bronchitis, unspecified

    X.J20-J22.J20   Acute bronchitis

    X.J40-J47.J47   Bronchoectasia


    Dysfunction of the liver, kidney failure (creatinine clearance 25 ml / min), homocystenuria, pregnancy (I trimester), children under 2 years of age, individual intolerance.


    Renal failure (possible accumulation of metabolites); pronounced impaired liver function (possibly increased half-life).

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Recommendations for FDA - category AT. Contraindicated in I trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Inside regardless of food intake. Adults and children over 12 years of age - 300 mg twice a day; children of 8-12 years - 150 mg twice a day. The course of treatment is determined individually and ranges from 5-10 days to 1-3 months in the treatment of chronic diseases. For elderly patients, a change in dosing is not required. Correction of the dose is necessary for patients with severe liver pathology.

    Side effects:

    Heartburn, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions.

    Overdose:Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain; increased risk of bleeding.

    Increases the concentration of amoxicillin in bronchial secretions.

    It should not be used simultaneously with antitussive drugs due to the possibility of accumulation of liquid secretions in the bronchi and an increased risk of superinfection or bronchospasm.

    In the treatment of bronchial asthma, a combination with bronchodilators is advisable.

    Special instructions:If the symptoms of the disease do not weaken within 5 days of taking the drug, further treatment is impractical.