Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Other Metabolites

Included in the formulation

N.06.B.X   Other psychostimulants and nootropic drugs


The drug, which improves metabolism and energy supply of tissues, reduces tissue hypoxia.

It has a positive effect on intracellular aerobic processes, normalizes the acid-base state and gas composition of blood in tissue acidosis, prevents the activation of lipid peroxidation, reduces the production of free radicals, promotes the utilization of fatty acids and glucose.

Restores the energy potential of the cell with intoxication. Under the action of the drug, the enzymatic processes of the Krebs cycle are activated, the synthesis of ATP is increased due to the activation of the rapid metabolic cluster of mitochondria.

Normalizing energy metabolism, the drug increases the processes of detoxification and elimination of various toxic substances, including drugs (anti-inflammatory, anti-tuberculosis, antitumor, antibiotics, etc.) and ethanol; has antihypoxic, antioxidant, cytoprotective action. Has a moderate diuretic effect.


When ingested well absorbed, penetrates from the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and tissues, subject to oxidative breakdown to CO2, which is derived from the exhaled air. Half-life 45 min. When administered inside, the maximum concentration of succinic acid in the systemic circulation is observed after 0.75 hours. With a single admission of a therapeutic dose, the drug circulates in the blood about 0.89 hours.


In complex therapy with intoxications of various etiologies; in the complex therapy of infectious diseases to reduce the side effect of drugs: anti-inflammatory, anti-tuberculosis, antibiotics, anthelmintic drugs and others.

XX.X40-X49.X49   Accidental poisoning and exposure to other and unspecified chemical and toxic substances

XX.Y40-Y59   Medicinal products, medicines and biological substances that cause adverse reactions during therapeutic use


Individual intolerance of components, pregnancy, breast-feeding, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer, urolithiasis, severe arterial hypertension, severe renal dysfunction.


Efficacy and safety of use in children have not been studied.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Category of recommendations for FDA is not defined. Qualitative and well-controlled studies in animals and humans were not conducted. Do not apply!

There is no information on the penetration into breast milk. Do not apply!

Dosing and Administration:

The drug is taken orally after a meal.

Assign up to 3 tablets once, then 1 tablet 3 times a day. Pancake tablets with water or rassosat. The course of treatment continues throughout the period of intoxication.

Side effects:

Increased gastric secretion, dyspepsia, abdominal pain, increased acidity of gastric juice.


Not described. Treatment is symptomatic.


It goes well with any medications. Reduces the toxic effect of anti-inflammatory, anti-tuberculosis, antitumor drugs and antibiotics.

Special instructions:

It is necessary to monitor liver function.
