Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Enzymes and antiferments

Included in the formulation
  • Longidase®
    lyophilizate for injections 
  • Longidase®
    suppositories rect. the vagina. 
  • АТХ:

    V.03.A.X   Other medications


    Proteolytic enzyme agent with hyaluronidase activity. Selectively affects glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate), which hold together connective tissue.

    Depolymerization of glycosaminoglycans leads to a decrease in their viscosity, which reduces the ability to bind water and metal cations. This leads to a weakening of the intermolecular bonds of the connective tissue, therefore, hematomas dissolve, spikes are extended, joint mobility improves.

    Pharmacokinetics:When the parenteral route of administration is rapidly absorbed, the maximum concentration is observed in the blood after 20-25 minutes. With the rectal route of administration, the maximum concentration in the blood is reached in an hour. The degree of distribution in the body is high.
    Half-distribution period is about 30 minutes, half-life with intramuscular injection of 36 hours, with subcutaneous - 45 hours, with rectal - 42-84 hours. The apparent volume of distribution is 0.43 l / kg. Bioavailability for rectal administration is about 90%.Penetrates into all organs and tissues, passes through the blood-brain and hemato-ophthalmic barriers, tissue cumulation is not observed. The body undergoes hydrolysis, the carrier decomposes to oligomers and is excreted mainly through the kidneys. On day 4-5 it is completely excreted from the body.
    Indications:It is used for the treatment of pneumofibrosis, interstitial pneumonia, adhesions, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, prostatitis.
    It is used for infertility caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes, interstitial cystitis, cicatricial deformities of the skin, scleroderma.
    It is used to enhance the bioavailability of antibacterial agents in gynecology, pulmonology, surgery, dermatovenereology.

    XIV.N70-N77   Inflammatory diseases of female pelvic organs

    I.A15-A19.A16.9   Tuberculosis of respiratory organs, unspecified, without mention of bacteriological or histological confirmation

    X.J60-J70.J63.4   Siderosis

    X.J80-J84.J84.1   Other interstitial lung diseases with mention of fibrosis

    X.J80-J84.J84.8   Other specified interstitial lung diseases

    XII.L80-L99.L94.0   Localized scleroderma [morphea]

    XIV.N10-N16.N13.5   Bend and stricture of ureter without hydronephrosis

    XIV.N30-N39.N30.1   Interstitial cystitis (chronic)

    XIV.N30-N39.N35   Urethral stricture

    XIV.N40-N51.N40   Hyperplasia of the prostate

    XIV.N40-N51.N41.1   Chronic prostatitis

    XIV.N40-N51.N48.9   Disease of penis, unspecified

    XIV.N70-N77.N71   Inflammatory diseases of the uterus, except the cervix

    XIV.N80-N98.N85.6   Intrauterine synechiae

    XIV.N80-N98.N97.1   Female infertility of pipe origin

    XIV.N99.N99.1   Postoperative stricture of the urethra

    XIV.N99.N99.4   Postoperative adhesions in the pelvis

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.1   Open wound of unspecified area of ​​the body

    XXI.Z100.Z100 *   CLASS XXII Surgical Practice

    Contraindications:Hypersensitivity to hyaluronidase preparations, pulmonary hemorrhage and hemoptysis, fresh vitreous hemorrhage, malignant neoplasms, acute renal failure, pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding, children under 12 years.
    Carefully:Apply not more than 1 time per week in patients with chronic renal failure, pulmonary haemorrhage in history.
    Pregnancy and lactation:Recommendations for the FDA - Category C. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
    Dosing and Administration:Subcutaneously (near the place of injury or under scar tissue) or by intramuscular injection from 5 to 25 injections after 3-10 days.
    Rectally or intravaginally, 1 suppository (3 thousand IU) once a day at night.
    It is prescribed every other day, or with interruptions of 2-3 days.
    The highest daily dose: 3 thousand IU.
    The highest single dose: 3 thousand IU.
    Side effects:When parenteral administration is often noted soreness in the injection site.
    With rectal or vaginal administration is very rare, and with parenteral - sometimes there are local reactions in the form of redness, swelling, itching. Local reactions take place independently after 48-72 hours. Allergic reactions are very rare.
    Overdose:Can manifest as chills, fever, dizziness, hypotension.
    Therapy consists in the abolition of the drug and symptomatic treatment.
    Interaction:Strengthens the effect of medicines by increasing their bioavailability.
    Salicylates, antihistamines, cortisone and adrenocorticotropic hormone lower the effectiveness of the drug.
    Special instructions:In acute infectious processes, simultaneous administration with antibacterial agents is recommended in order to prevent the spread of infection.