Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Local irritants

Included in the formulation
  • Fir oil
    butter externally 
    ECOLAB, CJSC     Russia
  • АТХ:

    D.11.A.X   Other preparations for the treatment of skin diseases


    Fir oil with external application has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and locally irritating effect.


    Deeply penetrates the body through the skin.

    As a local anesthetic in adults with:
    • pain syndrome caused by diseases of the nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, plexalgia, neuralgia);
    • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (including arthralgia, arthritis, myositis, synovitis);
    • in the period of exacerbations and in order to prevent exacerbations.
    In sports medicine as a warming massage tool in cases of stretching of the tendons and muscles.

    XIII.M15-M19.M15   Polyarthrosis

    XIII.M20-M25.M25.5   Pain in the joint

    XIII.M40-M43.M42   Osteocondritis of the spine

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.4   Lumbago with sciatica

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.3   Sciatica

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.1   Radiculopathy

    XIII.M65-M68.M65   Synovitis and tenosynovitis

    XIII.M70-M79.M70   Diseases of soft tissues associated with exercise, overload and pressure

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.2   Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.3   Dislocation, stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint of the unspecified area of ​​the body


    Hypersensitivity; acute infectious diseases; tumors of the peripheral nervous system; skin diseases in an acute period, (including dermatitis bacterial,fungal and viral etiology); violation of the integrity of the skin; lesions of the liver and kidney parenchyma; joint trauma (acute period); pregnancy, lactation.


    The drug should not be used on damaged skin (abrasions, wounds, etc.).

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Category by FDA not determined. Contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Fir oil is applied to the skin in the area of ​​pain and rubbed with light circular motions for 2-3 minutes. Then apply a compress paper and cover with a warm woolen cloth for how many hours, preferably at night. The therapeutic effect is enhanced if dry heat is used locally before application. Apply daily for 2-10 days, the course of treatment is repeated after 1-2 weeks.

    Side effects:

    In isolated cases, local allergic reactions are possible in the form of mild reddening of the skin.


    With abundant application to the skin, fir oil can cause increased cardiac activity, as it penetrates deeply into the body through the skin, and allergic reactions are possible.


    No data.

    Special instructions:

    Avoid contact with mucous membranes of the eyes. In case of contact, wash eyes with a 2% solution of baking soda or water.
