Active substanceSerelaxinSerelaxin
Similar drugsTo uncover
  • Reassures
    concentrate d / infusion 
    Novartis Pharma AG     Switzerland
  • Dosage form: & nbspconcentrate for solution for infusion
    3.5 ml of concentrate (1 bottle) contain: active substance: sulfuraxine - 3.5 mg; excipients: sodium acetate trihydrate - 9.52 mg, water for injection - up to 3.5 ml, hydrochloric acid solution 1M - to pH 5.0, sodium hydroxide solution 1M-to pH 5.0.

    Description:Transparent, from a colorless to brownish-yellow solution.
    Pharmacotherapeutic group:vasodilator
    ATX: & nbsp

    C.01.D   Peripheral vasodilators used to treat heart disease


    Serlaxine - is a recombinant molecule that is identical to the native peptide hormone, human relaxin-2. In the renal and systemic circulation, as well as in the epithelium of the kidneys, relaxin-2 binds to a specific receptor RXFP1, coupled with Gprotein. By contacting this receptor, relaxin-2 stimulates fast signaling pathways leading to activation NO-syntases, as well as signaling pathways of a delayed type leading to stimulation of endothelin receptor type B and expression of angiogenic growth factors and matrix metalloproteinases (gelatinases).These pathways mediate the relaxation of the vessels of the systemic blood flow and the vessels of the kidneys, which leads to an increase in the overall compliance of the vascular bed and an increase in cardiac output. In addition, according to experimental studies, serlaxin has a beneficial effect on the processes of remodeling connective tissue, resulting in reduced myocardial hypertrophy and fibrosis. The cardioprotective effect of the drug is probably also mediated by the prevention of inflammation and oxidative stress.

    The vasoactive properties of relaxin-2 confirmed by research adaptive capacity of the vascular bed of women during pregnancy. It is believed that a temporary increase in the concentration of relaxin-2 in blood plasma in the nerve trimester of pregnancy, reaching 6 ng / ml, causes decrease in the total peripheral vascular resistance (0Г1СС) and an increase in cardiac output. which provides sufficient transport amount of oxygen to the fetoplacental complex.

    Therapeutic use of sulfuraxin in heart failure is based on tthat when the serlaxin concentration reaches about 18 ng / ml, the serum improves ventricular-arterial conjugation. processes of vasorelaxation, blood flow and perfusion of organs. The available data on increased production of cardiac relaxin-2 and an increase in its concentration in the bloodstream in patients with chronic heart failure indicate the presence of a natural compensatory role of relaxin-2 in heart failure. In patients with compensated heart failure who received sulfuraxine in doses of 10 to 960 μg / kg / day in an open clinical trial, there was a tendency to improve hemodynamic parameters (in particular, to reduce the pulmonary artery wedge pressure, to reduce overall peripheral vascular resistance and increase the cardiac index), as well as to improve function indices kidneys (a decrease in the concentration of serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen and uric acid).

    In a clinical study in patients with acute heart failure (OSA) hospitalized with dyspnea at rest or with minimal physical exertion, systolic blood pressure (SBP) is above 125 mm Hg.and impaired renal function of mild to moderateGravity (the calculated glomerular filtration rate is rSCF - 30-75 ml / min / 1.73 m2), a statistically significant decrease in dyspnea, a tendency to decrease the signs and symptoms of heart failure, in particular, a decrease in the incidence of worsening of the course of heart failure, a decrease in the manifestations of blood circulation disorders in small and large circles of the circulation (including pulmonary edema , wheezing in the lungs, swelling and abnormal pulsation of the cervical veins), as well as a significant reduction in the length of hospitalization.

    The decrease in the severity of signs and symptoms of the AID was accompanied by a significant decrease in the need for standard AED treatments. The total dose of diuretics for intravenous administration, used in the first 5 days after the onset of infusion of sulfuraxine, was significantly lower than in the placebo group.

    The proportion of patients with exacerbation of signs and / or symptoms of heart failure who before the 5th day after the infusion needed to increase the intensity of intravenous therapy of heart failure or mechanical ventilation or measures aimed at maintenance of blood circulation, in the group application of sulfuraxine was reliably lower than in the placebo group.

    The study was reliably It has been shown that the use of sulfuraxine reduces the risk of cardiovascular mortality rate by 37%. the difference in mortality due to cardiovascular cardiovascular causes has been identified already The 5th day after the infusion and was observed outside depending on sex or age.



    The equilibrium concentrations (Css) in serum blood was reached 4-6 hours after beginning of intravenous infusion. In healthy volunteers and patients with cardiac insufficiency, who received sulfuraxine at form of intravenous infusion, the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and total clearance of serlaxine in the equilibrium condition were approximately the same.

    Allocation In healthy volunteers, the volume distribution in the equilibrium state (Vss) after intravenous infusion, sulfuraxine was 0.267-0.339 l / kg. and in patients with AID - 0.593 l / kg.


    Special studies of the metabolism of erelaxia were carried out.It is assumed that in vivo Sulfauxin breaks down to form small peptides and amino acids and is utilized in the same way as endogenous human relaxin-2.


    Serelaxin is quickly excreted, the main way to remove it, apparently, is the catabolism of peptidases and proteases in various tissues of the body, including the liver and kidneys. The half-life (T1 / 2) at the end of IV is between 7.0 and 15.9 hours. Clinical studies show that the serelaxia clearance for serum is 82.0 to 229 ml / kg / h. AUC and Css serlaxia increased in proportion to the dose. The values ​​of the total ground clearance and Vss in the dose range of 10-960 μg / kg / day remained constant.

    Pharmacokinetics the special patient groups


    The age of the patients does not affect the pharmacokinetics of serlaxia.

    Dysfunction of the liver The effect of liver function abnormalities on the pharmacokinetics of serlaxia was studied in patients with mild, moderate and severe liver function impairment, assessed on the Child-Pugh scale (5 to 15 points)in comparison with healthy dwith normal liver function. Dysfunction of the liver on the pharmacokinetics of serlaxine was not affected.

    Impaired renal function The serlaxin clearance was studied in patients with acute heart failure and renal dysfunction of mild and moderate severity (rSCF> 30 mL / min / 1.73 m2), as well as in patients without heart failure with severe disruption of night function (rSFP 15-29 ml / min / 1.73 m2) or terminal chronic renal failure (CG1H), including patients on hemodialysis, or undergoing hemodialysis.

    Violations of renal function of mild to moderate severity did not have a clinically significant effect on the clearance of serlaxine. In patients with severe renal dysfunction or terminal CRF, there was a decrease in serlaxin clearance, but this decrease was clinically significant. It is not necessary to correct the dose of silveraxin in patients with impaired function of the nights.


    Differences in the clearance of serlaxine in men and women have not been revealed.


    Differences in the clearance of serlaxine between subgroups have not been identified.


    According to population analysis pharmacokinetics no dependence the clearance of serlaxine from the body mass index.


    Acute heart failure in patients with normal or high blood pressure simultaneously with standard therapy of acute heart failure, including "loop" diuretics.


    - Shock of different etiologies.

    - Hypersensitivity to sulfuraxine or any other components included in preparation.

    - Severe obstruction of the deliverer path of the left ventricle (incl. aortic stenosis of severe degree, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy).

    The preparation Reassant not recommended for use in children under the age of 18 in The lack of data on efficiency and safety.

    Caution should be exercised when using the preparation Reasans simultaneously with vasodilating and / or antihypertensive agents. The use of the drug Reasans in patients with severe renal dysfunction (calculated glomerular filtration rate (rSKF) <30 ml / min / 1.73 m2) is possible only if the expected benefit exceeds the potential risk.
    If you have any of these diseases, consult a doctor before taking the drug.

    Pregnancy and lactation:
    According to the amino acid sequence and structure sulfuraxine is identical to the human peptide hormone relaxin-2, the concentration of which rises significantly in the systemic blood flow during pregnancy compared to its concentration during the menstrual cycle, reaches a maximum in the first trimester of pregnancy and remains elevated in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. In addition, the hormone relaxin-2 is present in breast milk during breast-feeding.
    Due to the lack of clinical data on the use of the drug Reassanza in pregnant women with OCH, as well as in women during breastfeeding, the drug can be used during pregnancy and during breastfeeding only if the intended use for the mother exceeds the potential
    Data on the effect of the drug Reassant on fertility is not available.

    Dosing and Administration:TOnly for hospital use.

    For intravenous administration only.

    The drug should be diluted directly before use.

    Instructions for the cultivation of medicinal preparation before administration are given in subsection "Instructions for use".

    The contents of the vial are intended only forFor single application.

    Before application of the preparation "Reassens", SBP should be stabilized at a level above 125 mm Hg.

    The dose of Reasans should be calculated based on the patient's body weight (see Table 1.) The drug should be administered as a continuous intravenous infusion within 48 hours, the recommended dose being 30 μg / kg / day, two consecutive intravenous infusions for 24 hours each at a constant rate of administration of 10 ml / h.

    Table 1. The volume of the preparation is Reassins *. concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion, which should be diluted in 250 ml of a 5% sterile dextrose (glucose) solution to prepare one 24-hour intravenous infusion



    the patient




    Amount of preparation

    Rheasant, concentrate for the preparation of a sterile solution for infusion (ml) for dilution in 250 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose (glucose)

    40-59 kg

    2.0 mg

    2.0 ml

    60-74 kg

    3.0 mg

    3.0 ml

    75-114 kg

    3.5 mg

    3.5 ml

    115-160 kg

    5.5 mg

    5.5 ml (2 bottles are required)

    It is necessary to regularly monitor blood pressure (BP) during the administration of the drug Reassanz. If the SBP decreases by more than 40 mm Hg. relative to the initial value, but remains at a level above 100 mm Hg.or if the SBP decreases in the patient to a level below 100 mmHg, the following measures should be taken (see Table 2):

    Table 2.

    Systolic blood pressure during infusion *

    Required dose adjustment

    Decrease by more than 40 mm Hg. relative to the initial value, but the SBP is above 100 mm Hg.

    Reducing the rate of IV infusion of the drug Reassanse "by 50% until the end of the 48-hour infusion (i.e., a decrease in the IV infusion rate from 10 ml / h to 5 ml / h)

    Below 100 mm of mercury.

    Termination of infusion of the drug Reassanz "

    * These values ​​of blood pressure should be confirmed by two dimensions, conducted with an interval of 15 minutes.

    Dosing regimen the special groups patients

    Patients with impaired renal function

    Do not require dose adjustment for use of the drug in patients with disorders of kidney function or patients with terminal stage chronic renal failure.

    Patients with impaired hepatic function

    Do not require dose adjustment in patients with a violation of the liver.

    Elderly age / gender / ethnicity belonging

    Do not need dose adjustment in dependence from sex, age or ethnicity. accessories.

    Patients under the age of 18 years

    Safety and effectiveness of the application of Reassans in children and adolescents in under the age of 18 years are not established.

    Instructions for use

    Preparation of solution for infusion should be carried out in accordance with the rules of aseptic. Reasans' preparation should not be mixed with furosemide or any other medicines (with the exception of nitroglycerin, a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusions, with a concentration of no more than 0.5 mg / ml, with proline glycol and dextrose (glucose) as adjuvants) in an intravenous catheter or an infusion container. Using a sterile syringe, dial the required amount of concentrate to prepare the infusion solution based on the patient's body weight (see Table 3) and enter it into the infusion tank containing 250 ml of a 5% sterile dextrose (glucose) solution.

    Table 3. The volume of the preparation of Reasans, a concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusion, which should be dialed with a sterile syringe.

    Body mass

    the patient


    Volume of the preparation Reasans, concentrate for solution for infusion (ml), for 24-hour infusion

    40-59 kg

    2.0 ml

    60-74 kg

    3.0 ml

    75-114 kg

    115-160 kg

    3.5 ml

    5.5 ml (requires 2 bottles)

    1. Stir the contents of the infusion container, gently rocking it from side to side. Hss shake the container for infusion.

    2. To avoid microbiological contamination, it is necessary to start using the prepared solution no later than 4 hours after its preparation (if stored at room temperature (20-25 ° C)).

    3. Prepare an infusion system with a separate intravenous catheter (you can use a multichannel catheter). Choose an infusion system with a small volume of "dead" space.

    It is recommended to supplement the infusion system with an infusion filter Posidyne / Nanodyne ELD (Pall) with holes of 0.2 μm to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination.

    1. Rinse the infusion system and the infusion filter with a prepared solution of the preparation Reasans * (10 ml) from the container for intravenous infusion.

    2. Start the intravenous infusion of the drug, setting the infusion rate at 10 mL / h for 24 hours.

    3. In the same way, prepare a second IV infusion bottle for useshortly before the end of the first intravenous infusion. 8. Start a second 24-hour IV infusion immediately after the end of the first:

      If during the first intravenous infusion did not correct the dose, start a second intravenous infusion, setting the infusion rate of 10 ml / h for 24 hours. If the IV infusion rate was reduced from 10 ml / h to 5 ml / h during the first intravenous infusion, start a second intravenous infusion, setting the infusion rate at 5 ml / h for 24 hours.

      Unused solution in vial or infusion system should be disposed of after 24 hours.

      Avoid exposure to direct sunlight on the prepared solution.

      Dispose of unused product or waste in accordance with local regulations.

    Side effects:
    When using the drug, the most common adverse event (AE) was a decrease in blood pressure (3.3%).
    Mostly, AEs of mild and moderate severity were noted. In a small number of patients who received the drug Reasanz (5.4%), IV infusion of the drug was discontinued due to the development of AEs.
    Below are the AEs observed during the use of the drug in clinical trials. NW are distributed according to the frequency of occurrence. To estimate the frequency, the following criteria were used (according to the classification of the World Health Organization (WHO)): very often (> 1/10); often (> 1/100, <1/10); infrequently (> 1/1000,<1/100); rarely (> 1/10000, <1/1000); very rarely (<1/10000), including individual messages.
    Violations from the vessels: often - marked decrease in blood pressure.
    Changes in laboratory indicators
    In controlled clinical trials, there were no clinically significant changes in laboratory parameters (serum electrolytes, biochemical parameters, liver function disorders, plasma glucose concentrations) associated with the use of the drug Reasanz. In 7% of patients in the group of application of silveraxin and in 6% of patients in the placebo group hypokalemia developed, but there was no difference in serum potassium content.
    When the drug was used in clinical trials, a decrease in hemoglobin, erythrocyte count and hematocrit by more than 20% at 2 weeks after initiation of treatment was noted in the group of application of the preparation Reasans in 1.5%, 1.1% and 1.6% of patients, respectively, and in the placebo group of 0.6%, 0.6% and 0.6% of patients, respectively.
    Episodes for reducing systolic blood pressure, requiring dose adjustment When the drug is used in clinical studies, episodes of confirmed decrease in SBP (more than 40 mm Hg.relative to baseline or below 100 mmHg) were observed in 29.4% of patients treated with Reassanz, compared with 18.1% of patients receiving placebo. Most of these AEs were observed between 13 and 17 hours after the start of the infusion. In 84.4% of cases, these AEs were resolved either after correction of infusion rate, or after drug discontinuation. Only 12% of such AEs detected in the Reasanz group required additional treatment: in most cases, infusion therapy was used, and in some cases cardiotonic drugs or mechanical means of supporting blood circulation were required.
    If any of the side effects listed in the manual are aggravated, or if you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.

    No cases of overdose have been reported.
    The most likely manifestation of an overdose is an excessive decrease in SBP. Treatment
    If necessary, supportive and symptomatic therapy is indicated (infusion therapy, and in some cases cardiotonic drugs or mechanical means of supporting blood circulation are possible).

    Special studies on the interaction of sulfuraxine with other drugs have not been conducted.
    In clinical studies with the use of silveraxin concomitantly with other drugs, there was no clinically significant effect on the clearance of serlaxine. Such drugs include digoxin, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor antagonists, beta-adrenoblockers, diuretic potassium-sparing agents (aldosterone antagonists), slow calcium channel blockers, vasodilators, cardiotonic agents of the non-glycosidic structure (inodilators).
    There have been no separate studies evaluating the effects of sulfuraxine on the pharmacokinetics of other drugs. There is no data indicating the interaction of sulfuraxin with cytochrome P450 isoenzymes, as a result of which the ability of silveraxin to enter into drug interactions appears to be low.
    Due to the lack of special compatibility studies, this drug should not be mixed with other drugs in one infusion system and / or container and administered via one intravenous catheter with other drugs.

    Special instructions:Eblood pressure lowering pisodes In connection with the risk of a marked decrease in blood pressure during the administration of the drug Reassantto should regularly monitor blood pressure.

    In clinical studies on the background of intravenous administration of the drug Reasans *, there have been cases of lowering blood pressure. some of which were reported as cases inA marked decrease in blood pressure (see section "Side effect"). In most cases, such phenomena did not lead to an exacerbation of symptoms and manifestations.

    If the SBP decreases by more than 40 mm Hg. relative to the initial value, but at the same time remains at a level above 100 mm Hg, the rate of IV infusion of the drug Reassant should be reduced by 50% (see the "Method of administration and dose" section).

    It is necessary to stop treatment with the drug Reassant if the SBP decreases in the patient to a level below 100 mm Hg.

    In accordance with clinical recommendations. caution should be exercised when using the drug Reassanse at the same time as vasodilating and / or antihypertensive agents.

    Other concomitant severe heart diseases or recent cerebrovascular diseases

    Due to the potential risk of developing severe hemodynamic disorders, the use of Reasans® in patients with severe concomitant heart disease (eg, mitral valve lesions of severe degree) or recent cerebrovascular diseases such as stroke is not recommended and is only possible if the expected benefit exceeds potential risk.

    Repeated intravenous administration The repeated intravenous administration of the preparation of Reasans31 to patients with OSB has not been studied.


    Antibodies to serylaxine, were detected only in one patient with OSB, who received sulfuraxine in the form of continuous intravenous infusion for up to 48 hours; antibodies did not possess neutralizing activity.

    In clinical studies in other populations of patients with sulfuraxine was used as continuous subcutaneous infusion for at least 2 weeks, antibodies to serlaxin were detected in 43% of patients. In patients with antibodies to sulfuraxine equilibrium concentrations serlaxin was higher than in patients without antibodies (in 1.8-3.7 times), but on the profile Safety serlaxinum this ns was reflected.

    Research done in vitro, antibodies are not had neutralizing activity.

    Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:

    There are no data on the effect of the drug on ability to manage transport means and / or mechanisms.

    Form release / dosage:
    Concentrate for the preparation of a solution for infusions of 3.5 mg / 3.5 ml.

    For 3.5 ml in a bottle of colorless glass class I, ukuporenny gray rubber stopper, obkatannoy aluminum cap with a snap-off lid made of polypropylene. One bottle together with instructions for medical use in a pack.

    Storage conditions:
    Store at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C in a dark place. Do not freeze.
    The drug should be stored out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life:
    2 years.
    The drug should not be used after the expiration date.

    Terms of leave from pharmacies:On prescription
    Registration number:LP-002410
    Date of registration:31.03.2004
    The owner of the registration certificate:Novartis Pharma AGNovartis Pharma AG Switzerland
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Information update date: & nbsp17.09.2015
    Illustrated instructions