Active substanceBotulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin complexBotulinum toxin type A - hemagglutinin complex
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  • Dosage form: & nbsplyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection

    1 bottle with the preparation RELATOX® contains:

    - complex of botulinum toxin type A and hemagglutinin - 50 or 100 units;

    - gelatin - 6 mg;

    - maltose - 12 mg.


    Lyophilized powder or porous mass, compacted into a white tablet or white with a yellowish tinge.

    Pharmacotherapeutic group:muscle relaxant of peripheral action
    ATX: & nbsp

    M.03.A.X.01   Botulinum toxin


    RELATOX® Botulinum type A toxin in combination with hemagglutinin, lyophilizate for the preparation of a solution for intramuscular injection, is isolated from Clostridium botulinum type A botulinum toxin in combination with hemagglutinin, purified by gel chromatography method, freeze-dried.

    The botulinum toxin type A molecule consists of a heavy chain (with a molecular weight of 100,000 daltons) and a light chain (with a molecular weight of 50,000 daltons) connected by a disulfide bridge. The heavy chain has a high affinity binding to specific receptors located on the surface of target neurons. A light chain possesses Zn2+-dependent protease activity specific for the cytoplasmic regions of the synaptosomal-linked protein having a molecular weight of 25,000 daltons (SNAP-25) and participating in the processes of exocytosis.

    First step the action of botulinum toxin type A is the specific binding of the molecule to the presynaptic membrane. Second phase - penetration of the bound toxin into the nerve cytosol through endocytosis.

    The intracellularly light chain acts as Zn2+-dependent protease of the cytosol, selectively splitting SNAP-25, which in the third stage leads to blockade of the release of acetylcholine from the presynaptic terminals of the cholinergic neurons. The final effect of this process is persistent chemodenervation.

    With intramuscular introduction, 2 effects develop: direct inhibition of extrafusal musclefibers by inhibiting alpha-motoneurons at the level of the neuromuscular synapse and inhibiting the activity of muscle spindles by inhibiting the gamma motor neuron cholinergic synapse on the intrafusal fiber. Reduction of gamma activity leads to a relaxation of the spinal cord intrafusal fibers and reduces activity Ia-afferent nerve fibers. This leads to a decrease in the activity of muscle stretch receptors, as well as to the efferent activity of alpha and gamma motor neurons. Clinically, this is manifested by a marked relaxation of the injected muscles and a significant reduction in pain in them. Along with the process of denervation in these muscles, the process of reinnervation proceeds by the appearance of lateral processes of nerve endings, which leads to the restoration of muscle contractions 4-6 months after the injection.


    The pharmacological effect develops at the injection site.

    Presynaptic capture and retrograde axonal transport from the injection site is insignificant.

    The duration of the clinical effect is 4-6 months. Restoration of neuromuscular activity occurs due to the development of new axonal processes,which form new functional active neuromuscular synapses, which leads to the restoration of muscle contractions.

    When administered at therapeutic doses, RELATOX® does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier and does not cause significant, systemic effects. It is excreted by the kidneys in the form of non-toxic metabolites.

    Antibodies to a complex of botulinum toxin type A with hemagglutinin are formed in 1-5% of patients after repeated injections. The formation of antibodies is facilitated by the administration of the drug in high doses and repeated injections in small doses at short intervals. In the case of antibodies to botulinum toxin type A, the effect of the subsequent reaction can be reduced.


    Treatment of blepharospasm, correction of hyperkinetic folds of the face (facial wrinkles) in adults.


    - Age to 18 years;

    - inflammatory process at the site of the proposed injection;

    - acute phase of infectious diseases;

    - pronounced gravitational ptosis of facial tissues;

    - pronounced hernia in the upper and lower eyelids;

    - period less than 3 months after a surgical operation on the face;

    - pregnancy;

    - lactation (breastfeeding);

    - hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


    It should be used with extreme caution and under constant control in patients with subclinical or clinical signs of neuromuscular transmission disorders, for example, in myasthenia gravis or myasthenic syndrome (including Lambert-Eaton syndrome), also in patients with pathological corneal changes, ecchymoses ( in the field of drug administration). Patients with neuromuscular diseases may be at a risk of developing clinically pronounced systemic effects, including severe dysphagia and respiratory failure, by administering conventional doses of RELATOX®. Treatment of such patients should be conducted with caution.

    With a high degree of myopia, closed-angle glaucoma, the administration of the drug is determined by the results of the conclusion of the ophthalmologist. The rare blinking associated with the administration of botulinum toxin to the circular muscle of the eye can lead to the appearance of pathological changes in the cornea and requires further monitoring by a specialist.

    With an allergic anamnesis, especially hypersensitivity to drugs containing proteins,should take into account the risk of an allergic reaction in assessing the possible benefits of treatment.

    Pregnancy and lactation:The use is contraindicated.
    Dosing and Administration:

    Before diluting the preparation, the central part of the vial plug is treated with ethyl alcohol. The drug is dissolved by injecting into the vial 1-8 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution for injection by puncturing the plug with a sterile needle of 23 or 25 mm in length. Do not open the vial and remove the stopper. The drug solution is a clear, colorless liquid. The prepared injectable solution is injected with an insulin syringe with a non-removable needle, 0.27-0.29 mm in diameter. The position of the patient when injecting the drug into the muscles of the face - sitting on a chair, the back of the head is fixed.

    Table 1. Concentrations of the preparation obtained by dilution of RELATOX® 50 U



    Volume of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride for injection, ml

    The activity of the preparation (ED in 0.1 ml)













    Table 2. Concentrations of the preparation obtained by dilution of RELATOX® 100 U



    Volume of 0.9% solution of sodium chloride for injection, ml

    The activity of the preparation (ED in 0.1 ml)













    Units of action of botulinum toxin in different preparations are not interchangeable.Recommended doses, expressed in units of action, for the drug PELATOKC® are different from those of other botulinum toxin preparations.

    Doses, schemes and methods of administration of the drug in correcting facial wrinkles

    Smoothing of interbrow wrinkles

    In the process of formation, interbrowal wrinkles are involved m. corrugator supercilii (muscle, wrinkling eyebrow) and m. procerus (muscle of the proud).

    To determine the injection site in order to eliminate inter-brow wrinkles, the patient is asked to frown, at that moment it is well palpated m. corrugator supercilii (the muscle wrinkling the eyebrow), and the point of the most pronounced muscular activity should be 0.5 cm up from the upper medial edge of the eyebrow. Similarly, markup on the other side is produced.

    The needle is inserted into the abdomen, the direction of the needle - either at an angle of 45 ° from the front back, medially, or at an angle of 90 °. The depth of needle insertion is 7-10 mm. If the needle rests against the periosteum, it should be pulled 1 mm and then injected. The point of administration of the drug in m. procerus (muscle proud) is located in the center of the line connecting the medial edges of the eyebrows. Needle position - from front to back, depth of needle insertion - 2-3 mm.

    At each marked point, RELATOX® is administered from 2.5 to 7.5 units, depending on the severity of wrinkles, age and sex. The total amount of the drug introduced into this area should not exceed 25 units.

    The insertion points for smoothing interbrown wrinkles - withm. Fig. 1.

    Smoothing of horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area

    In the formation of horizontal wrinkles in the forehead region is involved m. epicranius (supracranial muscle). To smooth out frontal wrinkles, the patient is asked to raise his eyebrows and at the maximum of the amplitude, points with the most pronounced mimic activity are noted. To exclude ptosis of the eyebrow, the distance between the injection point and the upper edge of the eyebrow should be at least 2 cm. 5-10 points are used and in each enter from 1.25 ED to 2.5 units of the RELATOX® preparation (see Figure 2) .

    With slightly pronounced wrinkles, 2.0-2.5 units are inserted into the middle of the frontal region of the right and left sides. If the patient wishes to save the movement of the tips of the eyebrows, the injection points can be placed V-shaped. If the patient has a very high forehead and folds are formed close under the hairline, you can additionally enter 1,25-2,5 ED at 2-3 points in parallel to the hair growth line.The total amount of the drug per given area should not exceed 20 units.

    Smoothing wrinkles in the periorbital area

    Wrinkles diverging radially around the eyes, the so-called "crow's feet", arise as a result of the activity of the circular muscle of the eye. To select a dose, the patient should be asked to laugh and at this time delineate the approximate boundaries of the skin area with the maximum number of folds.

    To reduce the "crow's feet", several injections (2 to 4 on each side) must be made into the projection area m. orbicularis oculi (eye muscle circular) at a distance of not less than 1 cm from the outer corner of the eye, and also into the region of the lateral part of the lower eyelid in the places of maximum muscle activity (see Figure 3 - Points of reference to the periorbital region).

    Calculation of the dose is based on the area of ​​this surface at rest: at each point, 2.0-2.5 units of the drug is injected, diffusion from one point has a radius of 0.5-1.0 cm, therefore, the distance between injection points should be on average 1.0-2.0 see the maximum permissible amount of units entered into the periorbital region of not more than 25 units per side. In order not to violate the proportions of the face, it is necessary to carefully monitor the symmetry of the location of the insertion points.The drug in the field of "crow's feet" is not introduced very low, since it is possible to disrupt the symmetry of the corners of the mouth and the nasolabial fold due to the diffusion of the drug into the region m. zygomaticus major (the zygomatic muscle is large).

    Smoothing wrinkles in the area of ​​the back of the nose

    In the presence of pronounced wrinkles in the region of the back of the nose, the drug is injected directly into the m. nasalis (nasal muscle) on each side of 2.5 units of the drug.

    See Fig. 4 - Points of administration for smoothing the wrinkles of the back of the nose.

    Smoothing wrinkles in the lower part of the face

    - Wings of the nose. The drug is injected directly into the wing m. nasalis (nasal muscle) of 2.5 units on each side.

    - Upper lip. Injections are made along the red rims of the upper lip directly into the wrinkles, directly from the edge by 2 mm, 1,25 units per point, the number of points from 4 to 6.

    - The corners of the mouth. The drug is administered subcutaneously in an amount of 2.5 units directly into the m. depressor anguli oris (muscle that lowers the corner of the mouth).

    - Chin. The drug is administered subcutaneously in an amount of 2.5 units directly into the m. mentalis (the muscle is chin).

    Doses, regimens and route of administration of the drug in the treatment of blepharospasm

    In the treatment of blepharospasm, the drug is injected superficially with an intramuscular syringe with a caliber 28-30 needle into the following points: twopoints on the upper eyelid, one point on the lateral half of the lower eyelid and one point at the lateral angle of the eye. At each point should be introduced 2.5-5.0 units. The average initial dose is 15-25 units per side.

    See Fig. 5.6 - Points of administration for blepharospasm.

    The maximum permissible amount of units introduced into the periorbital region is not more than 25 units per side.

    The pronounced clinical effect from the administration of the drug is manifested in the interval from 2 to 14 days after the injection, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, and lasts for 4-6 months.

    If the first procedure is ineffective in any of the above described treatments, i. E. absence of significant clinical improvement in comparison with the baseline condition 1 month after drug administration:

    - clinical confirmation of the toxin action on the injected muscle (muscle), which may include electromigraphic (EMG) research performed by an experienced specialist in a specialized department;

    - Analysis of the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the procedure, for example; inadequate choice of injection points, insufficient dose, incorrect injection technique, signs of fixed contracture, weakness, antagonist muscles, formation of neutralizing antibody toxin;

    - reassessment of the feasibility of treatment with botulinum toxin type A;

    - in the absence of any undesirable effects associated with the first administration of the drug, the following conditions must be observed in the repeated procedure: correction of the dose, taking into account the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the previous procedure; EMG-control; the interval between the procedures should be at least 3 months.

    If there is no effect from the introduction of the drug or a decrease in its severity after repeated injections, other methods of treatment should be recommended.

    Side effects:

    Local reactions: pain at the injection site, irritation and edema, compaction, erythema, tightness of the skin, hyperemia at the injection site (in rare cases, possible diffusion of hyperemia), microhematomas, ecchymoses, and spot keratitis.

    With unqualified implementation of the procedure, traumas can be caused by the needle of vital structures (nerves, vessels).

    Reactions associated with the spread of the drug to muscle groups located near the injection site: the descent of the interbrow region, the lateral sections of the eyebrows, ptosis, disruption of accommodation, dry eyes, photophobia and increased tearing,the difficulty of closing the eyelids, lagophthalmus, paresis of facial muscles, paralysis of mimic muscles, asymmetry of the corners of the mouth, violation of articulation, numbness of the lips.

    Systemic reactions: general weakness, headache, dizziness, nausea, drowsiness. Perhaps a short-term increase in body temperature to low-grade figures (up to 37.5 ° C).

    Patients with symptoms of poisoning with botulinum toxin A (general weakness, ptosis, diplopia, difficulty swallowing and speech disorder, paresis of respiratory muscles) should be hospitalized.

    When paralysis of the respiratory muscles requires intubation and transfer to artificial ventilation of the lungs to improve the patient's condition.

    Interaction:The effect of the drug is enhanced with the simultaneous use of antibiotics of the group of aminoglycosides, erythromycin, tetracycline, polymyxins, drugs that reduce neuromuscular transmission (including nondepolarizing muscle relaxants).
    Special instructions:

    The drug is released, stored and used in specialized medical institutions.

    Injection of the drug solution should be carried out by a highly qualified doctor who has special training,in specialized hospitals or outpatient, in a procedural room.

    Instructions for treating residual drug solution

    Immediately after the injection, the remaining solution of the drug in the vial and in the syringe should be inactivated with a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite (containing 1% of active chlorine).

    The shed solution of the preparation is wiped with an absorbent cloth dipped in a dilute solution of sodium hypochlorite.

    Disinfection should be carried out in accordance with the established requirements. All auxiliary materials in contact with the solution of the preparation must be disposed of in the ways provided for the destruction of biological waste.

    Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:

    After the administration of the drug may develop muscle weakness, dizziness and visual disturbances, there may be a danger in driving or working with moving machinery.

    Form release / dosage:Lyophilizate for solution for intramuscular injection, 50 or 100 units.

    For 50 or 100 units in bottles.

    In a pack of 1 vial in a container or a polymer jar with instructions for use.

    Storage conditions:

    Store and transport in accordance with SP at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C in a separate closed marked pack.

    Keep out of the reach of children.

    Shelf life:

    2 years.

    Do not use after the expiration date printed on the package.

    Terms of leave from pharmacies:On prescription
    Registration number:LP-001593
    Date of registration:19.03.2012
    Date of cancellation:2017-03-19
    The owner of the registration certificate:MICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association MICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association Russia
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Representation: & nbspMICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association MICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association Russia
    Information update date: & nbsp04.12.2015
    Illustrated instructions