Cancellation of state registration. Medical antiseptic solution

February 15, 2017
Active substances:
XII.L00-L08.L02    Abscess of skin, boil and carbuncle
XII.L60-L75.L60    Diseases of the nails
XIV.N60-N64.N61    Inflammatory diseases of the breast
XXI.Z20-Z29.Z29.8    Other specified preventive measures
XXI.Z40-Z54.Z51.4    Preparatory procedures for subsequent treatment, not elsewhere classified
Medical antiseptic solution, ethanol, medical alcohol, antiseptic for external use

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in accordance with articles 29 and 32 of the Federal Law of 12.04.2010 No. 61-FZ "On circulation of medicines" decided to abolish state registration and exclusion from the state register of medicinal products for medical use of the medicinal product (registration certificate LP- 000842 st dated October 11, 2011, issued by OJSC "Armavir Interdistrict Pharmacy", Russia):

Medical antiseptic solution (trade name of the medicinal product)

Ethanol (international non-proprietary, or grouping, or chemical name medicinal product)

concentrate for solution for external use, 95% (dosage form, dosage)

OJSC "Armavir interdistrict pharmacy base", Russia 352916, Krasnodar Territory, city of Armavir, Severnaya Promzona, 16 (name and address of the place of production)

in connection with the non-confirmation of the state registration of the medicinal product for medical use according to the results of the examination of the quality of the medicinal product and the examination of the relationship of the expected benefit to the possible risk of drug use.