Edit the instructions. Epoetin alfa

June 23, 2017
Active substances:
I.B20-B24.B23.2    The disease caused by HIV, with manifestations of hematological and immunological disorders, not classified elsewhere
III.D60-D64.D63 *    Anemia in chronic diseases classified elsewhere
Epoetin alfa, Eprex, treatment of anemia, prevention of anemia, restoration of erythropoiesis

Instructions for the medical use of the reference drug Eprex®,solution for intravenous and subcutaneous administration registered in the Russian Federation in two forms of release (RU No. P N013583 / 01 from 17.08.2007 and LS-002439 from 15.12.2011) have been revised in accordance with the current scientific evidence. The last complete update of these instructions for medical use was carried out in 2016.

The actual instructions for the medical use of the medicinal product Eprex®, as amended, are available on the portal of the State Register of Medicines of the Russian Federation.

Currently, in the civil circulation of the Russian Federation there are five biological analogous epoetin alfa drugs, in which the text of instructions for medical use does not correspond to the presentation of actual information on the clinical use of epoetin alfa. In particular, there are differences in the presentation of information in the sections "Indications for use", "Contraindications", "Mode of administration and dose", "Side effect".

Complete instructions for the preparation Eprex® is located here: dosage 20000 IU / 0.5 mL and 40,000 IU / 1 mL and dosage 1000 IU / 0.5 mL, 2000 IU / 0.5 mL, 4000 IU / 0.4 mL, 10,000 IU / 1 mL.