Cancellation of state registration. Epigam

October 26, 2017
Trade names:
XI.K20-K31.K25    Stomach ulcer
XI.K20-K31.K26    Duodenal ulcer
Epigam, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, treatment of gastric ulcer, antiulcer homeopathic drug

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 32 of Federal Law No. 61-FZ of 12.04.2010 "On the circulation of medicinal products" decided to abolish state registration and exclude from the state register of medicinal products for medical use of the medicinal product (registration certificate P N000465 / 01 from 25.06.2008 issued to LLC "NPF" MATERIA MEDICA HOLDING ", Russia):

Epigam (trade name of the medicinal product)

- (international non-proprietary or grouping or chemical name)

tablets for resorption (dosage form, dosage)

OOO "NPF" MATERIA MEDICA HOLDING ", Russia 454139, Chelyabinsk, Buguruslan Str., 54 454139, Chelyabinsk, Dneprovskaya Str., 8 (name and address of the manufacturer of the medicinal product)

on the basis of filing an application by the authorized legal entity LLC "NPF" MATERIA MEDICA HOLDING "to cancel the state registration of the medicinal product.