Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids

Included in the formulation
  • Included in the list (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2782-r of 30.12.2014):



    J.07.B.J   Vaccine for the prevention of rubella

    J.07.B.J.01   Rubella virus - a living weakened


    Live attenuated vaccine for rubella prevention. The attenuated vaccine virus (strain Wistar RA 27 / 3M) is cultured on human diploid cells.

    Specific immunity develops within 15 days after vaccination and, according to the available data, persists for at least 20 years.


    No data.


    Prevention of rubella in children, regardless of sex, starting at the age of 12 months; preventive maintenance of rubella in unvaccinated or non-rubella girls of pre- and post-pubertal age and women of childbearing age.

    XXI.Z20-Z29.Z24.5   The need for immunization against rubella alone


    Congenital and acquired immunodeficiencies (including those caused by HIV infection); the introduction of immunoglobulins, at least for 6 weeks before vaccination, pregnancy.


    For at least 2 months after vaccination, women of childbearing age should use effective methods of contraception.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    The rubella (live) vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy.

    It is recommended not to plan pregnancy in the next 2 months after vaccination. The use of this vaccine in women in the early stages of an unplanned pregnancy is not an indication for the interruption of this pregnancy.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Vaccination is carried out with a single dose of the vaccine once, administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly.

    Side effects:

    More likely in adults. A slight increase in lymph nodes, rarely a rash and an increase in body temperature from the 5th day after the vaccination.


    No data.


    The rubella vaccine (live) can be administered in conjunction with other vaccines.The most widely used combination vaccine for the prevention of measles, mumps and rubella.

    Special instructions:

    The decision to vaccinate a child born from an HIV-infected mother and determine its immune status is postponed until the age of 9-10 months, since maternal IgGs penetrated through the placenta may persist in the blood of the child up to the age of 14 months. If after this period the child is recognized as HIV-positive, a medical consultation is required to resolve the issue of vaccination. If the child is recognized as uninfected, a routine vaccination is performed.

    Due to the possible inactivation of the vaccine strain by serum antibodies, vaccination is not carried out for 6 weeks (if possible, for 3 months) after the administration of immunoglobulins or other blood products, and after the introduction of the vaccine for 2 weeks, immunoglobulins are not used.

    After vaccination, the tuberculin test can for some time be false negative.
