Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids

Included in the formulation
  • АТХ:

    J.07.A   Vaccines for the prevention of bacterial infections

    J.07.A.X   Other vaccines for the prevention of bacterial infections


    The vaccine causes development specific immunity lasting one year.


    No data.


    Prevention of leptospirosis from 7 years of age.

    Vaccinations are subject to persons performing the following works:

    - for the procurement, storage, processing of raw materials and livestock products obtained from farms located on leptospirosis-enzootic territories;

    - slaughter of livestock, a patient with leptospirosis, harvesting and processing of meat and meat products obtained from patients with leptospirosis of animals;

    - on the catch and maintenance of neglected animals;

    - working with living cultures of the causative agent of leptospirosis.

    I.A20-A28.A27   Leptospirosis

    XXI.Z20-Z29.Z26.8   The need for immunization against another specified single infectious disease


    Acute infectious and non-infectious diseases,chronic diseases in the acute stage - vaccinations are given no earlier than 1 month after recovery (remission); a strong reaction to the previous administration of leptospirosis vaccine (temperature above 40 ° C, hyperemia, infiltration with a diameter of more than 8 cm); bronchial asthma, severe allergic reactions in the history of food, medications and other drugs; disease of the endocrine system; Malignant neoplasms and malignant diseases of the blood; diseases of the nervous system with progredient course, epilepsy with frequent seizures; pregnancy; breast-feeding.

    In each individual case of a severe physical illness not contained in this list, the doctor decides questions about the indication for vaccination.

    All persons before vaccination should be examined by a doctor (paramedic) with obligatory thermometry.


    When vaccine is used, the vaccine should be monitored for at least 30 minutes, and vaccination sites should be provided with anti-shock therapy.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    The vaccine is injected subcutaneously into the area of ​​the lower corner of the scapula. Before the injection, the ampoule with the preparation is shaken thoroughly. Vaccination is carried out with a single dose of 0.5 ml. Revaccination is carried out after 1 year with a single dose of 0.5 ml.

    Disposable preparations with broken integrity of ampoules or lack of marking are unsuitable for use with changes in physical properties (color, transparency, presence of flakes), expired shelf life, and improper storage.

    Opening of ampoules and the procedure for administering the vaccine are carried out with strict adherence to aseptic rules. The drug in the opened ampoule is not subject to storage.

    Side effects:

    Leptospira vaccine is one of the drugs with low reactogenicity. In rare cases, the first day after vaccination, a local reaction in the form of hyperemia and infiltration up to a diameter of 30 mm, subfebrile temperature is possible.


    No data.


    It is allowed to introduce inactivated vaccines used in the calendar of preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications and the national calendar of preventive vaccinations in one day with different syringes in different parts of the body.

    Special instructions:

    When vaccine is used, the vaccine should be monitored for at least 30 minutes, and vaccination sites should be provided with anti-shock therapy.
