Active substanceVaccine for the prevention of tuberculosisVaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis
Dosage form: & nbsplyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension for intradermal administration

One dose contains 0.025 mg of BCG microbial cells.

Excipient: sodium glutamate monohydrate (stabilizer) - not more than 0.15 mg in a single dose.

1 dose is 0.1 ml of the diluted suspension.

The drug does not contain preservatives and antibiotics.

Available complete with a solvent - sodium chloride solution for the preparation of medicinal forms for injection 0.9%.


A porous mass, powdery or in the form of an openwork tablet of white or light yellow color, easily separated when shaken from the bottom of the ampoule. It is hygroscopic.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:MIBP vaccine
ATX: & nbsp

J.07.A.N.01   Tuberculosis live attenuated vaccine

J.07.A.N.   Vaccine for the prevention of tuberculosis


Live mycobacteria vaccine strain Mycobacterium bovis, substratuma BCG-I, multiplying in the body of the vaccinated, lead to the development of long-term immunity to tuberculosis.


Active specific prevention of tuberculosis.


1. Body weight at birth is less than 2000 g.

2. Acute diseases and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Vaccination is postponed until the disappearance of clinical manifestations of acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic diseases (intrauterine infection, purulent-septic diseases, hemolytic disease of neonates of moderate and severe form, severe lesions of the nervous system with severe neurologic symptoms, generalized skin lesions, etc.).

3. Immunodeficiency status (primary), malignant neoplasms.

In the appointment of immunosuppressants and radiation therapy, the vaccine is given no earlier than 6 months after the end of treatment.

4. The generalized infection of BCG, found in other children in the family.

5. HIV infection, detection of HIV nucleic acids by molecular methods.

6. HIV infection in a mother who did not receive a three-stage chemoprophylaxis for mother-to-child transmission of HIV (during pregnancy, childbirth and during the neonatal period). If the mother excludes HIV infection, vaccination should be without a prior immunological examination.

Persons temporarily released from vaccinations should be monitored and accounted for and vaccinated after complete recovery or withdrawal of contraindications. If necessary, conduct appropriate clinical and laboratory tests.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Application during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Dosing and Administration:

The BCG-M vaccine is administered intradermally in a dose of 0.025 mg in a volume of 0.1 ml.

The vaccine BCG-M is inoculated with:

1. In the maternity homes of all healthy newborns on the 3rd-7th day of life on the eve or on the day of discharge from the maternity hospital in areas with a TB incidence rate not higher than 80 per 100 000 population;

2. In maternity hospitals of newborns with a body weight of 2000 grams and more, with the restoration of the initial body weight (after its physiological decline), on the eve or on the day of discharge from the hospital;

3. In the departments of nursing preterm neonatal medical hospitals (the second stage of nursing) - children with a body weight of 2300 g and more before discharge from the hospital;

4. In children's polyclinics, children who have not received an anti-tuberculosis vaccination in the hospital for medical contraindications and are subject to vaccination in connection with the withdrawal of contraindications.

Children who were not vaccinated in the first days of life are vaccinated within the first two months in a children's polyclinic or other medical and preventive institution without preliminary tuberculosis diagnostics.

Children aged 2 months and older before vaccination need a preliminary Mantoux sample with 2 tuberculin units of purified tuberculin in standard dilution. Vaccinated children with a negative reaction to tuberculin. The reaction is considered negative in the complete absence of infiltration (hyperemia) or the presence of a knock-off reaction (1.0 mm).The interval between the Mantoux test and vaccination should be at least 3 days and not more than 2 weeks.

Vaccinations should be carried out by specially trained medical personnel of maternity hospitals (departments), nursing departments of preterm, pediatric polyclinics or feldsher-midwife stations. Vaccination of newborns is carried out in the morning hours in a specially allocated room after examination of children by a pediatrician. In polyclinics, the selection of children for vaccination is preliminarily conducted by a doctor (paramedic) with obligatory thermometry on the day of vaccination, taking into account medical contraindications and history data. If necessary, consult with specialist doctors, blood and urine tests. To avoid contamination with living mycobacteria BCG, it is inadmissible to combine one day inoculation against tuberculosis with other parenteral manipulations.

The fact of vaccination is recorded in the established registration forms with the date of vaccination, the manufacturer, the serial number and the expiration date of the vaccine.

Immediately before use, the vaccine is diluted with sodium chloride with a solvent to prepare the 0.9% injection dosage forms attached to the vaccine.The solvent must be clear, colorless and free from foreign inclusions.

The neck and ampoule head are wiped with 95% ethyl alcohol. The vaccine is sealed under vacuum, so first cut and carefully, using tweezers, break off the place of sealing. Then they saw out and break off the neck of the ampoule, wrapping the sawn end in a sterile gauze napkin.

In a vial with a vaccine, 2 ml of sodium chloride of a solvent is transferred with a sterile syringe to prepare dosage forms for injection of 0.9%. The vaccine should dissolve within 1 min. Flakes are allowed, which should be broken with 2-4-fold stirring with a syringe. The dissolved vaccine has the appearance of a turbid coarse dispersion of light yellow color. If large flakes are present in the diluted preparation and do not break with a 3-4-fold stirring with a syringe, or the sludge is not used, the ampoule is destroyed.

The diluted vaccine should be protected from the effects of natural light (for example, a cylinder of black paper) and used immediately after dilution. The diluted vaccine is suitable for use no more than 1 hour when stored under aseptic conditions at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.It is compulsory to keep a record indicating the time of dilution of the drug and the destruction of the ampoule with the vaccine.

For one inoculation, 0.2 ml (2 doses) of the diluted vaccine is collected for one inoculation with a tuberculin syringe, then 0.1 ml of the vaccine is ejected through a needle into a sterile cotton swab to expel the air and bring the syringe plunger to the desired calibration of 0.1 ml. Before each set, the vaccine should be gently mixed 2-3 times with a syringe. A single syringe can be administered to only one child.

The BCG-M vaccine is administered strictly intracutaneous at the border of the upper and middle third of the outer surface of the left shoulder after preliminary treatment of the skin with 70% ethyl alcohol. The needle is injected upwards in the surface layer of stretched skin. First, a small amount of vaccine is administered to make sure that the needle has entered exactly intracutaneously, and then the entire dose of the drug (0.1 ml in total). With the correct technique of administration, a papule of whitish color with a diameter of 7-9 mm should be formed, disappearing usually after 15-20 minutes.

Precautions for use

The introduction of the drug under the skin is unacceptable, as this produces a "cold" abscess.

For vaccination use disposable sterile tuberculin syringes with a capacity of 1 ml with thin needles with a short cut. To apply the solvent to the ampoule with the vaccine, use a disposable sterile syringe with a capacity of 2 ml with a long needle. It is forbidden to use syringes and needles with expired shelf life and insulin syringes that do not have a calibration in ml. It is forbidden to vaccinate with a needleless injector. After each injection, a syringe with a needle and cotton swabs are soaked in a disinfectant solution (5% solution of Chloramine B or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution), and then centrally destroyed. It is forbidden to use tools for other purposes, intended for vaccination against tuberculosis. The vaccine is stored in the refrigerator (under lock and key) in the vaccination room. Persons who are not related to vaccination are not allowed into the vaccination room.

Ampoules with the vaccine are carefully examined before opening.

The drug is not applicable for:

- the absence of marking on the ampoule or incorrect filling of the marking (should contain the abbreviated name of the drug (BCG-M vaccine), the number of doses, the dosage is 0.025 mg / dose, series number (alphanumeric designation), date of issue, expiration date);

- expired shelf life;

- presence of cracks and incisions on the ampoule;

- changes in the physical properties of the drug (color change, etc.).

It is forbidden to apply a dressing and treatment with a solution of iodine and other disinfectants solutions of the place of administration of the vaccine during the development of the local vaccination reaction: infiltrate, papules, pustules, ulcers, which must be sure to warn the child's parents.

More detailed information on the vaccine prophylaxis of tuberculosis is provided in Order No. 109 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation improvement of anti-tuberculosis measures in the Russian Federation "of March 21, 2003.
Side effects:

At the site of intradermal administration of the BCG-M vaccine, a local specific reaction in the form of an infiltrate, papules, pustules, ulcers measuring 5-10 mm in diameter is developed sequentially. In the initially vaccinated, the normal vaccination reaction appears after 4-6 weeks. The reaction site should be protected from mechanical irritation, especially during water procedures. The reaction is reversed within 2-3 months, sometimes even longer.90-95% of vaccinated on-site grafts form a superficial scar to 10 mm in diameter.

Complications after vaccination are rare and usually have a local character (lymphadenitis - regional, often axillary, sometimes over- or subclavian, ulcers, cold abscesses, subcutaneous infiltrates, keloid scar).

It is very rare that there is a persistent and dessininated BCG infection without a lethal outcome (lupus, ostitis, etc.), post-BCG syndrome of an allergic nature that occurs shortly after vaccination (erythema nodosum, annular granuloma, rashes, etc.), in some cases - generalized defeat of BCG with congenital immunodeficiency. Complications are detected at different times after vaccination - from several weeks to a year or more.


Not installed.


Other prophylactic vaccinations can be performed at intervals of at least 1 month before (except for vaccination against hepatitis B virus) and after vaccination with BCG-M.

Special instructions:Special precautions for the destruction of unused medicinal product

The unused vaccine is destroyed by boiling for 30 minutes,autoclaving at 126 ° C for 30 minutes or immersing the opened ampoules in a disinfectant solution (5% solution of Chloramine B or 3% hydrogen peroxide solution) for 60 min.

Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:

Not applicable. The drug is used to vaccinate children.

Form release / dosage:

Lyophilizate for the preparation of a suspension for intradermal administration, 0.025 mg / dose (complete with a solvent).


Lyophilizate - Pabout 0.5 mg (20 doses) in the ampoule.

It comes with a solvent - sodium chloride solution for the preparation of medicinal forms for injection 0.9%. Solvent - 2 ml in the ampoule.

The kit consists of 1 ampoule of vaccine and 1 ampoule of the solvent.

For 5 sets in a pack of cardboard. In the pack put the instructions for use and the ampoule knife or ampullar scarifier.

Storage conditions:

In accordance with SP at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C, out of reach of children.

Transportation conditions

In accordance with SP at a temperature of 2 to 8 ° C.

Shelf life:

1 year.

The drug with expired shelf life is not subject to application.

Terms of leave from pharmacies:For hospitals
Registration number:LS-001143
Date of registration:05.08.2011 / 09.02.2015
Expiration Date:Unlimited
The owner of the registration certificate:MICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association MICROGEN FGUP Scientific and Production Association Russia
Manufacturer: & nbsp
Information update date: & nbsp13.01.2017
Illustrated instructions