About the directory - instructions to medicines, indications, contraindications


Authors of the idea: B.I. Nigmatulin, G.E. Ulumbekova, S.Yu. Kochetkov

Project Manager: N.V. Eberle

The main scientific editors: RU. Khabriev, RN Alyautdin

Scientific editors: A.Z. Baychurina, A.V. Buryakina, N.G. Bondarchuk, D.Yu. Ivkin, E.V. Shilovskaya

Scientific adviser: E.A. Telnova

Senior editors: NOT. Alguzhina, A.S. Ukrainian

Correctors: OA Zakharchuk, E.F. Window

Head of IT-development department: K.S. Shishkin

Information sources

1. State register of medicinal products: grls.rosminzdrav.ru

2.A large directory of medicines / ed. L. Ye. Ziganshina, V. K. Lepakhin, V. I. Petrov, R. U. Khabriev. - Moscow: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2011. - 3344 p.

3. Pharmacology. Textbook / D.A. Kharkevich. -11 th ed., Pererab. and additional. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2015. - 760 p.

4. Medicines / M.D. Mashkovsky - 16 th ed., Pererab., Correction. and additional .- M .: New wave, 2012. - 1216 p.

5. Pharmacology: a textbook / ed. RN Alautdin. - 5 th ed., Pererab. and additional. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2015. - 1104 p. : ill.

6. REGISTER OF MEDICINES OF RUSSIA® RLS®. Encyclopedia of medicines and pharmacy products: www.rlsnet.ru

7. Handbook of Vidal. Medications in Russia: www.vidal.ru

8. Directory of synonyms of medicines 2015 / Shashkova GV, Lepakhin VK, Beshlieva ED - ed. 16 th, revised. and additional .- M.: RC "PHARMEDINFO", 2015. - 624 p.

9. Russian Encyclopedia of Biologically Active Food Additives / Petrov VI Spasov A.A. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2007. - 1056 p.

10. Clinical pharmacology: a textbook / N. V. Kuznetsova. - 2 nd ed., Pererab. and additional. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2014. - 272 p.

11. Clinical pharmacology and pharmacotherapy: a textbook. - 3rd ed., Ext. and pererab. Ed. VG Kukes, AK Starodubtseva. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2013. - 832 p .: ill.

12. Nomenclature of natural compounds / Zurabyan S.E. Reference manual. - M.: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2008. - 204 with.

13. Clinical pharmacokinetics. The practice of dosing of drugs / Belousov Yu.B., Gurevich K.G. 2005. - 288 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy")

14. Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System with Defined Daily Doses (ATC / DDD): www.who.int

15. WHO Drug Information: www.who.int

16. International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision: apps.who.int

17. Physicians Desk Reference. 63rd ed. Thomson PDR www.pdr.net

18. Basic and clinical pharmacology. Practical guidance / Bertram G. Katzung - 2nd ed, 1-2 volumes: M. Binom, 2008. - 1278 p.

19. Clinical pharmacology by Goodman and Gilman. Practical guidance / G. Gilman, J. Hardman, L. Limbard: M. "Practice", 2006. - 450 p.

20. Medicines in obstetrics and gynecology / ed. V.N. Serova, G.T. Dry. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional. - Moscow: TALKDRUGS-Media, 2010. - 320 p.

21. Rational pharmacotherapy in urology: Compendium / under total. Ed. N. A. Lopatkina, TS Perepanovoy. - M.: Litterra, 2015. - 448 p. - Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy: Compendium".

22. Rational pharmacotherapy in oncology: a guide for practicing doctors / ed. MI Davydova, VA Gorbunova. - M.: Litterra, 2015. - 844 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

23. Rational pharmacotherapy in psychiatric practice: a guide for practicing physicians; under the Society. Ed. Yu.A. Aleksandrovsky, N.G. Neznanova. - M .: Litterra, 2014. - 1080 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

24. Clinical pharmacology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Amelin AV, Volchkov AV, Dmitriev VA and others. Ed. Yu.D.Ignatova, V.G. Kukesa, V.I. Mazurov. 2010. - 256 with. (Series "Library of a specialist doctor").

25. Pharmacotherapy of stable angina pectoris: a guide. Okorokov VG, Yakushin SS 2010. - 160 with. (Series "Library of a specialist doctor").

26. Rational pharmacotherapy of rheumatic diseases. Compendium. Nasonova VA, Nasonov E.L., Alekperov R.T. and others. Ed. V.A. Nasonova, E.L. Nasonov. 2010. - 448 p. (Rational Pharmacotherapy: Compendium).

27. Rational pharmacotherapy of diseases of the digestive system. Compendium / Ivashkin TV, Lapina TL and others. Ed. V.T. Ivashkina, TL. Lapina. 2006. - 552 p. (Rational Pharmacotherapy: Compendium).

28. Rational pharmacotherapy of skin and sexually transmitted infections. Compendium. Kubanova AA, Vavilov AM, Volnukhin VA and others / Under the general ed. A.A. Kubanova. 2007. - 512 s. (Rational Pharmacotherapy: Compendium).

29. Rational pharmacotherapy of respiratory diseases. Compendium. Chuchalin AG, Avdeev SN, Arkhipov VV and others / Under the general ed. A.G. Chuchalina. 2007. - 544 p.

30. Rational pharmacotherapy in dentistry. Barer GM, 2006-568p.

31. Rational pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases: a guide for practicing physicians / under total. Ed. EI Chazova, Yu. A. Karpova. - 2 nd ed., Rev. and additional. - M.: Litterra, 2014.- 1056 s. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

32. Rational pharmacotherapy in obstetrics, gynecology and neonatology: a guide. In 2 volumes. Volume 1. Obstetrics, neonatology / Under the general ed. V.N. Serova, G.T. Dry. 2 nd ed., Rev. and additional. 2010. - 784 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

33. Rational pharmacotherapy. Handbook of the therapist. Dvoretsky L.I. 2007. - 976 p.

34. Rational pharmacotherapy of emergency conditions: Hands. for practicing doctors / B.S. Briskin, A.L. Vertkin, L.A. Alexanian, L.A. Blatun et al .; Under the Society. Ed. B.S. Briskina, A.L. Vertkina. - M .: Litterra, 2007. - 648 p. (Rational Pharmacotherapy: Serious Hands for Practitioners; T. 17).

35. Rational pharmacotherapy of diseases of the digestive system: Hand. for practicing doctors / V.T. Ivashkin, TL. Lapin and others; Under the Society. Ed. V.T. Ivashkin. - Moscow: Litterra, 2003. - 1046 p. - (Rational Pharmacotherapy: Serious Hands for Practitioners, Vol. 4).

36. Rational pharmacotherapy of blood system diseases: a guide for practicing physicians. Vorobyov AI, Al-Radi LS, Andreeva NE and others / Under the general ed. A.I. Vorobyov. 2009. - 688 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy", Volume XX).

37. Rational pharmacotherapy in neurology: a guide for practicing physicians / GN Avakyan, AB Gekht, A.S.Nikiforov; under the Society. Ed. EI Guseva. - M.: Litterra, 2014. - 744 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

38. Rational pharmacotherapy of diseases of the ear, throat and nose: manual / Ed. A.S. Lopatin. 2011. - 816 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

39. Rational pharmacotherapy in ophthalmology: a guide. Egorov EA, Alekseev VN, Astakhov Yu.S. and others. Ed. E.A. Egorova. 2 nd ed., Rev. and additional. 2011. - 1072 p. (Series "Rational Pharmacotherapy").

40. Rational pharmacotherapy of infectious diseases of childhood: A Guide for Practitioners / Ed. M.G. Romantsova, ΠΆ.V. Sologub, F.I. Ershova. - M.: Litterra, 2009. - 664 p. : ill.

41. Rational pharmacotherapy in hepatology: a guide for practicing physicians. Ivashkin VT, Bueverov AO, Bogomolov PO, Maevskaya MV and others / Under the general ed. V.T. Ivashkina, A.O. Bueverova. 2009. - 296 with. ("Rational Pharmacotherapy: A Series of Guidelines for Practitioners, vol. 19).

42. Rational antimicrobial pharmacotherapy. Compendium / Yakovlev VP, Yakovlev SV, Aleksandrova IA and others / Under the general ed. V.P. Yakovleva, S.V. Yakovleva. 2007. - 284 p. (Rational antimicrobial pharmacotherapy: Compendium).