Non-proprietary names from 'd, l-gopantenovaya' to 'd, l-gopantenovaya' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

1 D L R

V.F20-F29.F20   Schizophrenia

V.F40-F48.F48.9   Neurotic disorder, unspecified

VI.G00-G09.G09   Consequences of inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system

VI.G10-G13.G10   Huntington's disease

VI.G20-G26.G20   Parkinson's disease

VI.G20-G26.G21.8   Other forms of secondary parkinsonism

VI.G40-G47.G40   Epilepsy

IX.I60-I69.I67.9   Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified

V.F90-F98.F90   Hyperkinetic disorders

V.F90-F98.F90.8   Other hyperkinetic disorders

XVIII.R30-R39.R32   Urinary incontinence, unspecified

XVIII.R30-R39.R35   Polyuria

XVIII.R30-R39.R39.1   Other difficulties associated with urination

XVIII.R40-R46.R45.7   Condition of emotional shock and stress, unspecified

XVIII.R50-R69.R53   Malaise and fatigue

XIX.T36-T50.T43.3   Poisoning with antipsychotic and antipsychotics

XIX.T90-T98.T90.5   Consequences of intracranial injury

XXI.Z70-Z76.Z73.6   Limitations of activities caused by a decrease or loss of ability to work

It is part of:
D, L-Hopanten - D, L-Hopantenovaya