Non-proprietary names from 'gelatin' to 'ginseng' - Electronic medicinal guide TALKDRUGS

1 D L R

XIX.T79.T79.4   Traumatic shock

XVIII.R50-R69.R57.8   Other types of shock

XVIII.R50-R69.R57.1   Hypovolemic shock

IV.E70-E90.E86   Reduction of the volume of the liquid

It is part of:

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

It is part of:

III.D60-D64.D62   Acute posthemorrhagic anemia

III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

It is part of:

III.D60-D64.D63.0 *   Anemia in neoplasm (C00-D48 +)

III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

It is part of:

III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

IV.E50-E64.E53   Insufficiency of other B vitamins

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

It is part of:

III.D60-D64.D63.0 *   Anemia in neoplasm (C00-D48 +)

III.D60-D64.D62   Acute posthemorrhagic anemia

III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

It is part of:

IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

It is part of:

    III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

    XV.O20-O29.O25   Malnutrition in pregnancy

    IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

    XVIII.R50-R69.R58   Bleeding, not elsewhere classified

    It is part of:

      IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

      III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

      It is part of:

      XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

      XIX.T08-T14.T14.1   Open wound of unspecified area of ​​the body

      It is part of:

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        III.D50-D53.D51   Vitamin-B12-deficiency anemia

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        It is part of:

        XXI.Z40-Z54.Z52.0   Blood donor

        III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

        XV.O20-O29.O25   Malnutrition in pregnancy

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        It is part of:

        XV.O20-O29.O25   Malnutrition in pregnancy

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        IV.E50-E64.E53.9   Insufficiency of B vitamins, unspecified

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        It is part of:

        XV.O20-O29.O25   Malnutrition in pregnancy

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        IV.E50-E64.E53.9   Insufficiency of B vitamins, unspecified

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        It is part of:

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        III.D50-D53.D52   Folic deficiency anemia

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        XV.O20-O29.O25   Malnutrition in pregnancy

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        XV.O95-O99.O99   Other maternal illnesses classified elsewhere, but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        It is part of:

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        III.D60-D64.D64.9   Anemia, unspecified

        III.D60-D64.D63.8 *   Anemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere

        III.D60-D64.D63.0 *   Anemia in neoplasm (C00-D48 +)

        III.D60-D64.D61.1   Drug-induced aplastic anemia

        III.D50-D53.D52   Folic deficiency anemia

        III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        XVIII.R50-R69.R58   Bleeding, not elsewhere classified

        XIV.N80-N98.N92.4   Abundant bleeding in the premenopausal period

        XI.K90-K93.K92.2   Gastrointestinal bleeding, unspecified

        XIV.N80-N98.N92.1   Abundant and frequent menstruation with an irregular cycle

        XIV.N80-N98.N92.0   Abundant and frequent menstruation with a regular cycle

        IX.I80-I89.I84.8   Hemorrhoids with other complications, unspecified

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        IV.E50-E64.E53.9   Insufficiency of B vitamins, unspecified

        It is part of:

        IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

        III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

        III.D50-D53.D50.0   Iron deficiency anemia secondary due to loss of blood (chronic)

        III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

        XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

        It is part of:

          IV.E50-E64.E61.1   Insufficiency of iron

          III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

          III.D50-D53.D50.0   Iron deficiency anemia secondary due to loss of blood (chronic)

          III.D50-D53.D50   Iron-deficiency anemia

          XV.O95-O99.O99.0   Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

          It is part of:

          III.D50-D53.D50.9   Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified

          It is part of:

          XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

          XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

          XI.K20-K31.K31.8   Other specified diseases of the stomach and duodenum

          XIII.M05-M14.M13.9   Arthritis, unspecified

          XIII.M05-M14.M13   Other arthritis

          XIII.M40-M43.M43.0   Spondylolysis

          XIII.M40-M43.M42.9   Osteochondrosis of spine, unspecified

          XIII.M70-M79.M77.3   Heel spur

          XIII.M70-M79.M71.5   Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified

          XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

          It is part of:

          XI.K20-K31.K29   Gastritis and duodenitis

          XI.K50-K52.K52   Other non-infectious gastroenteritis and colitis

          XI.K55-K63.K59.1   Functional diarrhea

          XI.K70-K77.K73.9   Chronic hepatitis, unspecified

          XI.K80-K87.K81.1   Chronic cholecystitis

          XI.K80-K87.K86.1   Other chronic pancreatitis

          XVIII.R10-R19.R14   Meteorism and related conditions

          It is part of:

          V.F40-F48.F43.9   Reaction to severe stress, unspecified

          V.F40-F48.F45.3   Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

          XVIII.R50-R69.R53   Malaise and fatigue

          XXI.Z40-Z54.Z54   Condition of recovery

          XXI.Z70-Z76.Z73.0   Overwork

          XXI.Z70-Z76.Z73.2   Insufficient rest and relaxation

          It is part of:
          Gelatin - Ginseng