Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Local irritants

Included in the formulation
  • Badyaga
    raw materials. externally 
    CASPIAN NP, OJSC     Russia
  • Badyaga
    raw materials. externally 
  • Badyaga
    raw materials. externally 
    IVAN-TEA, CJSC     Russia
  • Badyaga
    raw materials. externally 
    RIVA-FARM, CJSC     Russia
  • Badyaga
    raw materials. externally 
  • Badyaga (powder)
    raw materials. externally 
  • Spongylan
    gel externally 
  • АТХ:

    D.11.A.X   Other preparations for the treatment of skin diseases


    Means of plant origin; has anti-inflammatory, astringent, tanning, hemostatic, antimicrobial and hypotensive effects. Mechanical skin irritation due to the content of silicon needles.


    Not described.

    Indications:Radiculitis, arthritis, rheumatism, bruising.

    XIII.M20-M25.M25.5   Pain in the joint

    XIII.M50-M54.M54.1   Radiculopathy

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.1   Myalgia

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.2   Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified

    XVIII.R50-R69.R52.9   Pain, unspecified

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body


    Violation of the integrity of the skin in places of intended use, increased sensitivity to badyage, children's age.


    Do not allow sponging on the mucous membranes (in the eyes, mouth, nose, etc.). If accidentally ingested on mucous membranes, they should be washed with plenty of water.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Action category for the fetus by Food and Drug Administration (US Food and Drug Administration) - not determined.

    Adequate and well-controlled studies on humans and animals have not been conducted. There is no information on the penetration into breast milk.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Outwardly. With bruises and bruises: add boiled water to the powder, stir until a mushy mass is obtained, apply a tampon to the skin and rub it in the skin with your fingers (in rubber gloves); after 20 minutes after drying, rinse with water.

    With radiculitis, rheumatic and neuralgic pain: add vegetable oil to the powder, stir; The resulting mass is rubbed into the affected areas. In case of severe burning, rinse with water, with light - leave for a day.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions, skin hyperemia.


    Not described.


    The topical form.

    Special instructions:

    To exclude the occurrence of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to apply a minimum amount of a solution of fresh squirrel on the inner surface of the hand.
