Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Spasmolytics myotropic

Included in the formulation

N.05.C.B.02   Barbiturates in combination with other drugs


The drug is a combination of active ingredients, possessing sedative and some spasmolytic action. Reduces the excitability of central and peripheral adrenergic and cholinergic systems of the body.


No data.


Increased irritability; insomnia; neurogenic disorders of the menstrual cycle; neurodermatitis (to relieve itching); vegetative vascular dystonia (as part of complex therapy).

V.F40-F48.F45.3   Somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

V.F40-F48.F48.0   Neurasthenia

V.F50-F59.F51.2   Sleep and wakefulness disorder inorganic etiology

XII.L20-L30.L20.8   Other atopic dermatitis


Angina pectoris and other manifestations of atherosclerosis; spasm of peripheral arteries; angle-closure glaucoma; pregnancy; breast-feeding; childbirth; age to 18 years; hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Use with caution in smoking patients.

Pregnancy and lactation:

Contraindications to use during pregnancy, lactation and childbirth.

Dosing and Administration:

The drug is taken orally 1 tablet 2-3 times a day after meals. Duration of the drug is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is possible to conduct repeated courses of treatment after consulting a doctor.

Side effects:

Maybe: allergic reactions, dry mouth, drowsiness, paresis of accommodation.


Symptoms: dizziness, lethargy, drowsiness, tachycardia, dilated pupils, discomfort, difficulty urinating, intestinal atony, convulsions, in severe cases - stupor, coma.

Treatment: gastric lavage, reception of activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.


The effect of the drug is enhanced by alpha and beta-adrenomimetics, nicotine.

Special instructions:

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms

During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities requiring increased concentration of attention, speed of psychomotor reactions and good vision.
