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Dosage form: & nbspLyophilizate for solution for infusion.
Each vial contains:

Active substance: Amphotericin B 50.0 mg.

Excipients: deoxycholic acid 38.8 mg, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate 15.8 mg, sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate 4.4 mg.
Description:A fine loose powder or a compacted mass from yellow to orange.
Pharmacotherapeutic group:Antifungal agent.
ATX: & nbsp
  • Amphotericin B
  • Pharmacodynamics:Amphotericin B - polyene antifungal antibiotic produced from a strain of Streptomyces nodosus, has fungistatic or fungicidal effect, depending on the concentration in the body fluids and the sensitivity of the pathogen to it. The drug binds to the sterols of the cell membrane of sensitive fungi. As a result, the membrane permeability is violated, and the intracellular components are released into the extracellular space. Amphotericin B has high activity (the minimum inhibitory concentration of from 0.03 to 1.0 g / ml) against numerous species of fungi in vitro: Histoplasma capsulatum, Coccidioides immitis, Candida spp, Blastomyces dermatitidis, Rhodotorula, Cryptococcus neoformans, Sporothrix schenckii,. Mucor mucedo, Aspergillus fumigatus. Ineffective against bacteria, rickettsia, viruses.
    After repeated intravenous administration to adults at a dose of about 0.5 mg / kg / day, the maximum concentration in blood plasma is on average 0.5 to 2.0 μg / ml.After a rapid initial decrease (the period of initial half-life from plasma

    - 24 h) the concentration of the drug in the plasma is maintained at a constant level of 0.5 μg / ml. Data on the pharmacokinetics of amphotericin B in children is not enough.

    Amphotericin B binds to plasma proteins more than 90%, so it is not excreted by hemodialysis. Approximately two-thirds of its current concentration in the blood plasma is determined in the pleural, peritoneal, articular and intraocular fluid with inflammation. Concentrations in the cerebrospinal fluid rarely make up more than 2.5% of the concentration in the blood plasma. Amphotericin B is found in small amounts in the vitreous or normal amniotic fluid. It is assumed that the main accumulation of the drug occurs in the liver, although there is no precise data confirming the distribution of amphotericin B in the tissues of the body.

    Amphotericin B is excreted from the body by the kidneys very slowly, from 2 to 5% of the administered dose is excreted in a biologically active form. The half-life of the drug is about 15 days. After discontinuation of treatment, the drug can be determined in the urine in the next 3-4 weeks.Excretion from the bile can be an important way of excretion from the body. With kidney or liver disease, the concentration of the drug in the blood does not change.

    Progressive potentially life-threatening fungal infections due to sensitive species of the following genera: Aspergillus, Blastomyces, Candida, Coccidiodes, Cryptococcus, Histoplasma, pathogens of mucormycosis, including sensitive species of genera Absidia, Mucor and Rhizopus, and related sensitive genera Conidiobolus, Basildiobolus and Sporothrix.

    - American leishmaniasis of the skin and mucous membranes (not the drug of first choice).

    - Persistent fever in patients with impaired immunity in the absence of the effect of treatment with appropriate antibacterial drugs.

    - Hypersensitivity to amphotericin B or any other component of the drug, except in cases where, according to the doctor, treatment is necessary for the patient for vital signs, and amphotericin B is the only effective treatment;

    - breast-feeding.
    - renal failure,

    - pregnancy.
    Pregnancy and lactation:
    Adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women have not been conducted.

    The drug is prescribed during pregnancy only if the potential benefit to the mother is greater than the potential risk to the fetus.

    It is not known whether amphotericin B penetrates into breast milk. Given the data on the toxicity of the drug, it is not recommended to breast-feed while using the drug.
    Dosing and Administration:
    The drug FUNGIZON® is administered intravenously slowly for 2-6 hours with observance of the usual precautions for intravenous infusions. The recommended concentration of the drug solution is 0.1 mg / ml. Doses of the drug are selected individually depending on the tolerability of the drug, localization, intensity of infection, etiology (pathogen), etc.

    Usually, treatment with the drug starts with the introduction of a daily dose of 0.25 mg / kg body weight for 2-6 hours. To determine the tolerability of the drug, intravenous administration of a test dose (1 mg of the drug in 20 ml of a 5% solution of dextrose) can be used for 20-30 minutes, but the result of this sample does not give absolutely reliable results. The body temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure of the patient should be measured with an interval of 30 minutes for 2-4 hours.With a severe and rapidly progressive fungal infection, a dose of 0.3 mg / kg for 2-6 hours can be administered in a patient with a full heart and kidney function and in the absence of serious adverse reactions to the test dose. If cardiac and renal function is impaired, or if there are serious adverse reactions to the test dose, it is recommended that a second dose, for example, up to 5-10 mg. The dose can be gradually increased by 5-10 mg per day, up to a daily dose of 0.5-1 mg / kg.

    In severe infections caused by less sensitive pathogens, the total daily dose may be up to 1 mg / kg per day or up to 1.5 mg / kg every other day. ATTENTION: The total daily dose should not exceed 1.5 mg / kg body weight. An overdose of the drug may lead to cardiac or cardiopulmonary arrest, including fatal outcome.

    Candidamycosis. With disseminated and / or deep infections caused by Candida, the usual dose of FUNGUISON® is 0.4 to 0.6 mg / kg / day for four weeks or more. Depending on the severity of the infection, the dose may be increased to 1 mg / kg / day. Treatment continues until signs of apparent clinical improvement.General cumulative doses for adult patients can be increased to 2-4 g. In some cases (for example, in the treatment of candidal esophagitis resistant to topical treatment, as well as with the use of the preparation FUNGIZON® in combination with other antifungal drugs), a smaller dose (0 , 3 mg / kg / day).

    Cryptococcosis. The usual dose of the drug for patients with intact immune system is 0.3 mg / kg / day for about 4-6 weeks or until weekly crops produce negative results throughout the month. For the treatment of patients with impaired immunity, as well as for patients with meningitis, the drug FUNGIZION® can be used in combination with other antifungal drugs for 6 weeks. For patients in serious condition, as well as in the treatment with FUNGUISON® in the form of monotherapy, the daily dose of the drug can be increased.

    For patients with cryptococcal meningitis and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), higher doses (0.7-0.8 mg / kg / day) and longer treatment up to 12 weeks may be required.If the results of seeding are negative after a standard course of treatment, AIDS patients may be prescribed long-term therapy, for example, at a dose of 1 mg / kg per week.

    Coccidioidomycosis. In the treatment of primary coccidioidomycosis in adult patients, FUNGIZON® is used at a dose of 1 or at most 1.5 mg / kg / day to a total cumulative dose of 0.5-2.5 g, depending on the severity and localization of the infection.

    With coccidioid meningitis, systemic and intrathecal administration of the drug may be required.

    Blastomycosis. For adult patients with blastomycosis in severe condition, doses of 0.3-1 mg / kg / day to a total cumulative dose of 1.5-2.5 g are recommended.

    Histoplasmosis. For chronic pulmonary or disseminated histoplasmosis, adult doses of 0.5-1 mg / kg / day are recommended for adult patients up to a total cumulative dose of 2- 2.5 g.

    Aspergillosis. In aspergillosis the drug is prescribed for a long time, there are reports of a course of treatment for up to 11 months. To treat severe infections in adult patients (eg pneumonia or fungemia), doses of 0.5-1 mg / kg / day or more, with cumulative doses up to 2-4 g, may be required. Treatment of deep mycoses may last 6-12 weeks or more .

    Rhinocerebral mucormycosis. This lightning-fast developing disease usually occurs against the background of diabetic ketoacidosis. In order for treatment with FUNGUISON® to be successful, it is necessary to achieve the restoration of glycemic control as soon as possible. In connection with the fact that rhinocerebral mukoromycosis rapidly acquires a life-threatening character, treatment should be more aggressive than with other fungal diseases. Doses of the drug are usually 0.7-1.5 mg / kg / day.

    Pediatric Use

    The safety and efficacy of the drug in children during controlled clinical trials has not been established. In the treatment of systemic fungal infections in children, no unusual side effects were observed.

    Preparation of solutions

    ATTENTION: It is necessary to strictly follow the rules of asepsis in the preparation of the buffer and the infusion solution of the preparation, since the solutions of the preparation are prepared without the addition of preservatives and bacteriostatic substances.

    Solutions and auxiliary materials used to prepare the dosage form must be sterile. Do not use saline solutions to dissolve the drug.

    When using any diluent, except as noted above, or in the presence of a bacteriostatic substance (eg benzyl alcohol), the preparation may precipitate. Do not use concentrate or infusion solution of the drug if there are any signs of sedimentation or foreign inclusions.

    A membrane filter can be placed in the intravenous infusion system, whose pore diameter should be not less than 1 micron for passage of a colloidal solution of a preparation.

    Preparation of the concentrate (5 mg / ml).

    A sterile syringe (needle no. 20) is quickly injected directly into the vial with a preparation of 10 ml of sterile water for injection without bacteriostatic additives, directing the stream to the contents of the vial.

    Immediately after the injection of water, the vial is shaken to form a clear colloidal solution.

    Concentrate (5 mg / ml) should be used freshly prepared. Preparation of a solution for infusions

    The required amount is taken from the prepared concentrate and diluted to a concentration of 0.1 mg / ml (1:50) with a 5% solution of dextrose for injection with a pH of not lower. 4.2. If the pH of the dextrose solution is lower than 4.2, then 1-2 ml of buffer should be added to dilute it before dilution.

    It is recommended to use a buffer solution of the following composition: Sodium phosphate disubstituted (anhydrous) 1.59 g Sodium phosphate mono-substituted (anhydrous) 0.96 g Water for injection up to 100 ml

    Before adding dextrose to the solution, the buffer should be sterilized by filtration, through a bacterial ceramic or membrane filter or by autoclaving for 30 minutes at a pressure of 1 atm. and a temperature of 121 ° C.

    Solution for infusion (0.1 mg / ml) should be used freshly prepared, during the introduction it does not need protection from light.

    Side effects:In most cases, especially at the beginning of drug treatment, patients experience some intolerance. To improve the tolerability of the drug, it is possible to use antipyretic drugs (for example, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol), antihistamines or anti-emetics. Intravenous administration of meperidine at doses of 25 to 50 mg contributes to a decrease in the duration and intensity of chills and fever after the administration of the preparation FUNGIZION®.

    Intravenous administration of glucocorticosteroids - in small doses directly before or 4 During the infusion of the preparation, FUNGIZON® can help reduce febrile reactions. Doses and duration of glucocorticosteroids during treatment with FUNGUISON® should be minimal (see section SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, MEDICINAL INTERACTIONS).

    Adding heparin (1000 units per infusion), changing the injection site, using special pediatric needles to puncture the subcutaneous veins of the head, or injecting the drug every other day reduce the risk of developing thrombophlebitis. Extravasation can cause chemical irritation.

    The frequency of side effects is shown in accordance with the following scale:

    Often: > 10%, Frequently: > 1% and <10%, infrequently: > 0,1% and <1%, Rarely: > 0.01% and <0.1%, Very rarely: <0.01% and Frequency unknown: there is no data on the frequency of the side effect.

    On the part of the organs of hematopoiesis: often - normochromic normocytic anemia; frequency unknown - agranulocytosis, coagulopathy, eosinophilia, leukocytosis, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

    From the cardiovascular system: frequency unknown - cardiac arrest, arrhythmias, including ventricular fibrillation, heart failure, increased blood pressure, lower blood pressure, shock.

    From the sense organs: frequency unknown - deafness, ringing in the ears, blurred vision, diplopia

    From the digestive system: very often - anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dyspepsia, epigastric pains of a spasmodic nature, frequency unknown - impaired liver function; hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, melena (tarry stools), acute liver failure, hepatitis, jaundice.

    Allergic reactions: frequency unknown - anaphylactoid and other allergic reactions.

    From the musculoskeletal system: very often - generalized pain, including arthralgia, myalgia.

    From the nervous system: very often - headaches; frequency unknown - convulsions, encephalopathy, transient vestibular dizziness, other neurological symptoms, peripheral neuropathy.

    From the urinary system: very often - a decrease and violation of kidney function (along with changes in laboratory indicators - hyposthenia, renal tubular acidosis, nephrocalcinosis); frequency unknown - acute renal

    insufficiency, anuria, oliguria, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus.

    From the respiratory system: frequency unknown - shortness of breath, bronchospasm, swelling

    lung non-cardiological origin, allergic pneumonitis

    From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: frequency unknown - rash, in particular -

    maculopapular rash, itching, exfoliation of the skin, toxic epidermal

    necrolysis, Stephen-Johnson syndrome.

    Other: very often - chills, fever, poor health; frequency is unknown - "hot flashes", weight loss.

    Reactions at the site of administration: frequency unknown - soreness and discomfort at the injection site, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis

    Changes in laboratory indicators: very often - azotemia, increased serum creatinine, hypokalemia; frequency is unknown - hypomagnesemia, hyperkalemia, hypocalcemia, hyperbilirubinemia, increased activity of "liver" transaminases, alkaline phosphatase.

    Overdose:An overdose of the drug may lead to cardiac or cardiopulmonary arrest, including fatal outcome. If you suspect an overdose, stop treatment and observe the patient's condition, controlling the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, kidney and liver, blood picture, electrolyte balance. If necessary, prescribe maintenance therapy.Amphotericin B is not removed by hemodialysis. Before the resumption of treatment should stabilize the patient's condition (including electrolyte balance.).
    Interaction:With the simultaneous use of the drug FUNGIZON® and other nephrotoxic drugs (cisplatin, pentamidine, aminoglycosides, ciclosporin) nephrotoxicity may increase, so these combinations should be used with caution. With intravenous administration of amphotericin B during or immediately after transfusion of leukocyte mass, acute lung function abnormalities were noted in patients, so these procedures should be separated by long time intervals. Caution should be exercised when concomitantly with the preparation FUNGIZON® preparations, the action or toxicity of which may be intensified with hypokalemia (digitalis glycosides, muscle relaxants acting on skeletal muscles, antiarrhythmic drugs). Corticosteroids and corticotropin (ACTH) can increase hypokalemia caused by amphotericin B.

    When administered concomitantly with FUNGIASON®, the toxicity of flucytosine may increase,by increasing its capture by cells and / or by slowing the excretion in the urine.

    Simultaneous administration with imidazoles (including fluconazole, itraconazole, ketoconazole, miconazole, clotrimazole) can lead to the development of resistance to amphotericin B. Combined treatment with imidazoles with amphotericin B should be administered with caution.

    Antineoplastic drugs can enhance nephrotoxicity, bronchospasm and lower blood pressure. In this regard, simultaneous therapy with amphotericin B and these drugs should be done with extreme caution.
    Special instructions:
    Amphotericin B should be used primarily for the treatment of progressive and life-threatening fungal infections. It should not be used to treat noninvasive (superficial) mycoses, such as candidiasis of the oral cavity, vagina or esophagus in patients with normal neutrophil count in the blood. Amphotericin B may be the only effective treatment for potentially life-threatening fungal diseases. In each specific case, the potential benefits of the drug should be compared with its side effects.

    The drug should be administered only intravenously, under the careful supervision of medical personnel in hospital settings. Care should be taken to prevent unintended overdose of the drug, which can lead to cardiac arrest or cardiopulmonary activity with possible fatal outcome.

    If the prescribed dose exceeds 1.5 mg / kg of body weight, it is necessary to verify the correctness of the administration of this drug at the specified dose.

    Acute reactions often observed with intravenous amphotericin B include chills, fever, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, headaches, myalgia, arthralgia, and lowering of blood pressure.

    With rapid intravenous administration (for less than 1 h), especially if the patient has renal failure, hyperkalemia and arrhythmia may develop, and rapid infusions should be avoided.

    After general radiation therapy followed by amphotericin B, cases of leukoencephalopathy were noted.

    During treatment, kidney function should be monitored frequently and regularly. It is also recommended to monitor liver function, determine the concentration of electrolytes in the serum, especially magnesium and potassium, and check the blood formula.Based on the results of laboratory tests, it is necessary, if necessary, to correct the dose of the drug. In some patients, sufficient intake of liquid and table salt before the treatment with amphotericin B may reduce the risk of developing nephrotoxicity. The additional prescription of drugs that have an alkaline reaction can also reduce the risk of renal tubular acidosis.

    If the interruption in treatment with the drug is more than 7 days, resumption of treatment should be from a minimal dose, for example 0.25 mg / kg body weight, with a gradual increase.
    Effect on the ability to drive transp. cf. and fur:Since neurologic side effects can occur when amphotericin B is prescribed, the patient should be warned of the potential dangers of working with moving mechanisms and driving.
    Form release / dosage:
    Liofilizate for the preparation of a solution for infusions of 50 mg.

    Packaging:For 50 mg amphotericin B in a bottle of clear, colorless glass (type I), volume 15 ml, with a butyl rubber stopper and an aluminum cap with a plastic lid. One bottle together with instructions for use in a cardboard box.
    Storage conditions:
    At a temperature of 2-8 ° C.

    Shelf life:2 years. Do not use after the expiration date.
    Terms of leave from pharmacies:On prescription
    Registration number:П N016134 / 01
    Date of registration:22.12.2009/18.05.2012
    The owner of the registration certificate:Bristol-Myers SquibbBristol-Myers Squibb France
    Manufacturer: & nbsp
    Representation: & nbspBRISTOL-Majers SKVIBB, LLCBRISTOL-Majers SKVIBB, LLCRussia
    Information update date: & nbsp28.03.2016
    Illustrated instructions