Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors


Regenerants and reparants

Included in the formulation
  • Venolife®
    gel externally 
    AKRIKHIN HFK, JSC     Russia
  • Troxevasin® Neo
    gel externally 
  • АТХ:

    C.05.B.A.53   Heparin in combination with other drugs

    C.05.B.A   Heparin-containing preparations for topical application


    Combination agent for topical application.

    Sodium Heparin

    Anticoagulant direct action. By activating antithrombin III accelerates its anticoagulant effect. It blocks the synthesis of thrombin, reduces the aggregation of platelets. Reduces the activity of hyaluronidase. Prevents formation and promotes resorption of existing thrombi, improves local blood flow, has anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect.


    After absorption into the skin it is transformed into pantothenic acid - vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A, which takes part in metabolic processes, thereby improving the processes of regeneration and epithelization of damaged skin areas.


    Angioprotector from the group of bioflavonoids. It blocks the venodilating effect of acetylcholine, bradykinin and histamine.Reduces permeability and fragility of capillaries, has a weak antiaggregant effect. Improves trophism and reduces swelling of the tissue associated with venous insufficiency.

    Pharmacokinetics:The drug for topical application, systemic action on the body does not.

    Indications:It is used to treat injuries of soft tissues: sprains, dislocations, hematomas. Used for edematous pain syndrome due to venous insufficiency of the lower extremities, as well as to enhance the epithelialization of trophic ulcers.

    IX.I80-I89.I80   Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

    IX.I80-I89.I83.2   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer and inflammation

    IX.I80-I89.I83   Varicose veins

    IX.I80-I89.I87.0   Postphlebitic syndrome

    IX.I80-I89.I87.2   Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)

    IX.I80-I89.I89   Other non-infectious diseases of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.3   Dislocation, stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint of the unspecified area of ​​the body

    Contraindications:Infected trophic ulcers, individual intolerance, children up to 3 years.


    Pregnancy and lactation:Recommendations for FDA - Category B. It is used during pregnancy and lactation.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Outer in the form of a gel, applied to the affected areas 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions.


    Cases of overdose are not described.

    Treatment is symptomatic.


    Clinically significant interactions are not described.

    Special instructions:

    The agent is not intended for intravaginal and rectal administration, nor is it used in ophthalmology.
