Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Ramni®
    pills inwards 
  • Rennie®
    pills locally inwards 
    BAYER, AO     Russia
  • Rennie®
    pills locally inwards 
    BAYER, AO     Russia
  • АТХ:

    A.02.A.X   Antacids in combination with other drugs


    Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate provide rapid and continuous neutralization of excess hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, thereby providing a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.


    The degree of absorption of calcium and magnesium from these compounds depends on the dose of the drug. The maximum absorption is 10% calcium and 15-20% magnesium. A small amount of absorbed calcium and magnesium is excreted through the kidneys. If the renal function is impaired, the concentration of calcium and magnesium in the plasma may increase. In the intestine, soluble salts form insoluble compounds that are excreted with feces.

    Indications:Symptoms associated with increased acidity of gastric juice and reflux esophagitis include heartburn, acidic eructation, pain in the stomach, feeling of overflow or heaviness in the epigastric region, dyspepsia (including caused by inaccuracies in diet, medication, alcohol, coffee, nicotine), dyspepsia of pregnant women.

    XI.K20-K31.K21.0   Gastroesophageal reflux with esophagitis

    XI.K20-K31.K30   Dyspepsia

    XV.O95-O99.O99.6   Diseases of the digestive system complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium

    XVIII.R10-R19.R12   Heartburn

    XVIII.R10-R19.R14   Meteorism and related conditions


    Severe renal failure, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia, nephrocalcinosis, age 12 years.


    When appointing the drug, patients with impaired renal function should regularly monitor the concentration of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium in the blood serum. Patients with impaired renal function are not recommended to take the drug for a long time in high doses.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    When used in recommended doses, the drug does not pose a hazard to the fetus or the baby.

    The category of FDA recommendations is not defined.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer (in the phase of exacerbation); Symptomatic ulcer of different genesis: 2-3 hours after meals and at bedtime and immediately - if pain occurs.

    Gastroesophageal reflux disease: 2-3 hours after meals and at bedtime and immediately - if pain occurs.

    Hernia of the esophageal opening of the diaphragm - immediately after meals and at night.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions are possible - rashes, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic reactions; hypermagnesia, hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, constipation, diarrhea.


    Symptoms: long-term use in high doses in patients with impaired renal function can cause hypermagnesemia, hypercalcemia, alkalosis, which are manifested by nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness.

    Treatment: withdrawal of the drug, symptomatic.


    Reduction in the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs with simultaneous admission, so medications should be taken 1-2 hours before or after taking antacid preparations. Antibiotics of tetracycline, fluoroquinolones, cardiac glycosides, levothyroxine, iron preparations, fluorides, phosphates - with simultaneous use of antacids reduce the absorption of these drugs. Thiazide diuretics - with simultaneous administration with antacids should regularly monitor the concentration of calcium in the blood serum. Anticholinergic drugs increase and prolong the action, slowing the emptying of the stomach.

    Special instructions:

    Not suitable for long-term use. When appointing patients with impaired renal function should regularly monitor the concentration of magnesium, phosphorus and calcium in the blood serum. Patients with impaired renal function are not recommended to take the drug for a long time in high doses.
