Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Hypoglycemic synthetic and other agents

Included in the formulation

A.10.B.B.06   Carbutamide

Pharmacodynamics:Carbutamide - oral hypoglycemic agent, is a first-generation sulfonylurea. Pharmacological action - hypoglycemic. Stimulates β-cells of the pancreas, increasing the amount of endogenous insulin, promotes the formation of receptors for insulin in target organs (thus increasing the sensitivity of tissues to insulin).
Pharmacokinetics:Quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The peak concentration in the plasma drug reaches 1 hour. Biotransformatsya in the liver. Half-life is about 36 hours. Excreted by the kidneys in the form of metabolites, and in unchanged form.
Indications:Diabetes mellitus type 2 (insulin-dependent) with ineffectiveness of diet therapy.

IV.E10-E14.E11   Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus

Contraindications:Diabetes mellitus type 1 (insulin-dependent). Insufficiency of liver and kidney function. Hypersensitivity (including sulfanyl and other sulfonamides). Comatose state, precoma, ketoacidosis. Infectious diseases with fever. Pregnancy, breast-feeding. Children and adolescence.
Carefully:No data.
Pregnancy and lactation:The FDA action category is not defined. Contraindicated in pregnancy. In the case of a planned pregnancy or when pregnancy occurs, a woman should be transferred to insulin. During lactation should be canceled carbutamide and transfer the patient to insulin.
Dosing and Administration:Dosage carbutamide strictly individually. It is necessary to take into account the glycemia before and after eating (2 hours after eating). The starting single dose - 500 mg at breakfast, then the dose is increased (under the control of glycemia) with each intake of 250 mg to achieve a daily dose of 1.5 g. The maximum daily dose is 2 g.
Side effects:From the digestive system: anorexia, nausea.

From the endocrine system: thyroid dysfunction, hypoglycemia.

Allergic reactions in the form of skin rash, hives, angioedema.

Other: rarely - headache, agranulocytosis.

Overdose:There were no cases of overdose. The goals of therapy with a possible overdose are maintenance of vital functions, rapid administration of symptomatic therapy. There is no data on the removal of the drug from the body with the help of hemodialysis.
Interaction:Salicylates, butadione, antituberculosis drugs, levomycetin, tetracycline, oral anticoagulants, cyclophosphamide, MAO inhibitors, beta-adrenoblockers increase the effect of carbutamide by slowing its metabolism in the liver.

Oral synthetic progestins, phenothiazines, sympathomimetics, saluretics, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, a nicotinic acid weaken the action of carbutamide.

Special instructions:Treatment should be carried out under the control of the picture of peripheral blood, urine. The drug is not registered in the Russian Federation.