Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Non-narcotic analgesics, including non-steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs

Included in the formulation
  • Analgin-quinine
    pills inwards 
    Sopharma, AO     Bulgaria
  • АТХ:

    N.02.B   Analgesics and antipyretics


    Combined drug, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effect.

    Pharmacokinetics:No data.

    Feverish syndrome (infectious and inflammatory diseases), pain syndrome of mild and moderate severity: neuralgia, myalgia, arthralgia, biliary colic, intestinal colic, renal colic, trauma, burns, radiculopathy, myositis, postoperative pain syndrome, headache, algodismenorea.

    X.J00-J06.J06.8   Other acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple localization

    XIII.M20-M25.M25.5   Pain in the joint

    XIII.M60-M63.M60   Myositis

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.1   Myalgia

    XIII.M70-M79.M79.2   Neuralgia and neuritis, unspecified

    XIV.N20-N23.N23   Renal colic, unspecified

    XIV.N80-N98.N94.6   Dysmenorrhea, unspecified

    XVIII.R50-R69.R50.0   Fever with chills

    XVIII.R50-R69.R51   Headache

    XVIII.R50-R69.R52.9   Pain, unspecified

    XIX.T80-T88.T88.9   Complication of surgical and therapeutic intervention, unspecified


    Individual intolerance.

    Hepatic and / or renal insufficiency.

    Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

    Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

    Myasthenia gravis.

    Hemorrhagic fever.

    Diseases of the middle and inner ear.

    Hearing loss.

    Optic neuritis.


    Children's age (up to 12 years).

    Carefully:No data.
    Pregnancy and lactation:The drug is contraindicated in pregnancy and during the period breastfeeding.
    Dosing and Administration:

    A drug take inside after eating, squeezed with enough liquid. Adults and children over 14 years of age are prescribed 1-2 tablets 1-3 times a day. Children from 12 to 14 years - 1 tablet 3 times a day.

    Side effects:

    Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, pain and discomfort in the epigastric and abdominal region, diarrhea, in rare cases, ulceration of the gastrointestinal mucosa, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

    Nervous system: headache, dizziness, fatigue, insomnia, limb trembling.

    Sense organs: noise in the ears and hearing impairment, visual impairment (double vision, blurred vision, scotoma, photophobia, decreased visual fields, color vision disorder).

    The cardiovascular system: angina, palpitations, fainting.

    Blood: leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hypoprothrombinemia.

    Urinary system: impaired renal function, water retention and electrolytes.

    Allergic reactions: itching, eczema, enanthema, urticaria, angioedema, in rare cases, anaphylactic shock is possible, malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), bronchospastic syndrome.

    Others: fever.


    When an overdose is observed nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, dizziness, tinnitus, clonic and tonic convulsions, possible anaphylactic shock, coma. It is necessary to wash the stomach, prescribe laxatives and gastroprotective drugs, perform forced diuresis, restore breathing, anti-shock measures, restore the volume of circulating blood.


    Allopurinol, non-narcotic analgesics, tricyclic antidepressants, hormonal contraceptives - increased toxicity.

    Benzylpenicillin, colloidal blood substitutes and radiocontrast agents - not to be used during treatment with metamizole sodium.

    Blockers H2-receptors, codeine and propranolol (slows inactivation) - increased effectiveness.

    Myelotoxic drugs - increased hematotoxicity of the drug.

    Sugar-reducing drugs for oral administration, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticoids, indomethacin - increase in their activity (metamizol sodium displaces them from the bond with the protein).

    Sedative and anxiolytic drugs (tranquilizers) - an increase in the analgesic effect of metamizole sodium.

    Thiamazole and cytotoxic drugs increase the risk of developing leukopenia.

    Phenylbutazone, barbiturates and other hepatoinductors - with the simultaneous administration of reduced metamizole sodium.

    Chlorpromazine or other derivatives of phenothiazine - the development of pronounced hyperthermia.

    Ciclosporin - a decrease in its concentration in the blood.

    Ethanol - increased toxic effect.

    In one syringe with other drugs do not inject because of the high likelihood of developing pharmaceutical incompatibility.

    Special instructions:

    You can not use radiocontrast agents, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin against the background of the treatment.

    When using the drug for more than one week, control of the peripheral blood pattern is necessary.
