Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Regenerants and reparants

Included in the formulation
  • Aistil
    drops d / eye 
    SIIFI SpA     Italy
  • Sinoart®
    solution in / Sust. 
  • АТХ:

    D.03   Preparations for the treatment of wounds and ulcers


    The exact mechanism of action is unknown. Pharmacological effects: protective, regenerative.


    It is derived from the eye mainly through the trabecular network.


    In ophthalmology: widening of the anterior chamber or separation of tissues and other (for operations in the anterior and posterior segments of the eye), examination of the retina during and after surgery, laser therapy (auxiliary).

    XXI.Z00-Z13.Z01.0   Examination of eyes and eyesight




    Children under 18 years of age, liver and / or renal failure, breast-feeding, pregnancy. Elderly age.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    The category of FDA recommendations is not defined.

    Qualitative and well-controlled studies on humans have not been conducted. There is no information on the penetration into breast milk. Complications are not registered.

    Dosing and Administration:

    Intraocular, in a dose determined by the peculiarities of a surgical operation; the total volume (including repeated injections) in operations on the anterior chamber of the eye - no more than 1 ml, on the back chamber of the eye - 2-4 ml.

    Side effects:

    Transient increase in intraocular pressure in the postoperative period (4-8 h after the operation), caused by mechanical blockage of the trabecular network with solution residues; allergic reactions.


    Not described. Treatment is symptomatic.


    It is necessary to avoid the joint use of sodium hyaluronate in the form of eye drops with disinfectant and eye moisturizers.

    Do not use simultaneously with sodium hyaluronate disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium salts, since hyaluronic acid precipitated in the presence of these substances.

    Special instructions:

    When used in ophthalmology: in the postoperative period, monitoring of intraocular pressure is required, especially in cases where sodium hyaluronate is required to be left in the cavity of the eyeball; if there is no such need, sodium hyaluronate should be almost completely removed from the eyeball. When applied, especially repeated, the potential risk associated with the introduction of biological material should be considered.

    With intraarticular administration, local reactions in most patients go through a few days. In case of pronounced local reactions or an increase in body temperature, the use of sodium hyaluronate should be discontinued.
