Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp

Antiseptics and disinfectants

Included in the formulation
  • Vagotil
    solution locally 
  • АТХ:

    D.08.A.E.02   Policies


    The drug has fungicidal, bactericidal, hemostatic, local vasoconstrictive and antiprotozoal effect.

    Policies dehydrates microbial cells, causing protein coagulation and death of microorganisms, promotes the sloughing of cells of necrotic tissues. The drug is active against Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella spp., Candida albicans.


    Not described.

    • Non-healing trophic ulcers of the shins
    • Erosion / papilloma of the urethra in women, leucorrhoea, vaginal itching, vulvovaginitis
    • Aphthous stomatitis, stomatitis
    • Small dental / surgical interventions (with haemostatic purpose)
    • With ulcers, burns III degree, fissures of the mucosa, washing the vagina
    • Slow-healing wounds
    • Genital Warts
    • Erosion of the vagina and cervix

    I.A50-A64.A63.0   Anogenital (venereal) warts

    IX.I80-I89.I83.2   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer and inflammation

    XI.K00-K14.K12   Stomatitis and related lesions

    XII.L20-L30.L29.3   Anogenital itching, unspecified

    XII.L80-L99.L98.4   Chronic skin ulcer, not elsewhere classified

    XIV.N70-N77.N72   Inflammatory disease of the cervix

    XIV.N70-N77.N76   Other inflammatory diseases of the vagina and vulva

    XIV.N80-N98.N86   Erosion and ectropion of the cervix

    XVIII.R50-R69.R58   Bleeding, not elsewhere classified

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.1   Open wound of unspecified area of ​​the body

    XIX.T20-T32.T30   Thermal and chemical burns, unspecified

    XIX.T79.T79.3   Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified


    Hypersensitivity. Pregnancy, breast-feeding. Application of the drug during menstruation in the treatment of gynecological diseases.


    When caries during dental operations.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    Category by FDA not determined. Adequate and well-controlled studies in humans and animals have not been conducted. There is no information on the penetration into breast milk. The use is contraindicated.

    Dosing and Administration:

    The application is local, the dosing regimen is individual.

    Locally. A swab impregnated with a solution, superimposed on the erosion of the vagina (3 min) 2-3 times a week, excess fluid is removed with a dry swab. With ulcers, mucosal fissures, burns for washing the vagina, use a solution obtained by diluting 5-15 ml in 1 liter of warm water.For hemostasis, a tampon moistened with a solution for 1-3 minutes is applied to the bleeding site.

    Side effects:

    Allergic reactions.

    Local reactions: in some cases, at the beginning of treatment, irritation and hyperemia of the vagina and vulva may occur; when applied to the mucous membrane of the mouth - damage to the enamel of the teeth.


    Not described, treatment is symptomatic.


    With preparations that have an alkaline reaction, an exothermic reaction occurs, which intensifies the chemical burn of the mucous membranes.

    Special instructions:

    In the treatment, careful medical supervision is necessary.

    For the duration of treatment, sexual intercourse should be excluded.

    Do not use during the treatment other hygiene products or other topical preparations on the same areas that have been treated with the drug.

    Do not use during menstruation.

    Soap or other hygiene products that cause irritation should not be used during treatment.

    After applying to the oral mucosa, the mouth should be thoroughly rinsed.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms not found.
