Clinical and pharmacological group: & nbsp


Included in the formulation
  • Heparoid Zentiva
    ointment externally 
    Zentiva c.s.     Czech Republic
  • АТХ:

    C.05.B.A.01   Organic heparinoids


    A drug heparinoid is an anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic agent for external use. The drug has anti-inflammatory, antiexudative action and anticoagulant activity. Reduces the increased coagulability of blood in the area of ​​inflammation or injury in trauma, prevents the formation of blood clots; accelerates resorption with hematomas, reduces the formation of edema and has an anti-inflammatory effect, as a result of which the feeling of tension and pain in the place of inflammation or injury decreases.


    No data.


    Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of various etiology and localization (including varicose veins of the lower extremities and chronic venous insufficiency, complicated by phlebitis, thrombophlebitis, periflebit, trophic skin disorders); Periflebit with trophic ulcer of lower leg; hemorrhoids (excluding exacerbation, accompanied by bleeding); treatment of local complications after phlebosclerosis therapy, softening of scar tissue with hypertrophic scars; bruises of soft tissues, posttraumatic edema, hematomas, tendovaginitis, stretching of tendons and ligaments.

    The drug is intended for use in adults and children, starting with infancy.

    IX.I80-I89.I80   Phlebitis and thrombophlebitis

    IX.I80-I89.I83   Varicose veins

    IX.I80-I89.I83.2   Varicose veins of the lower extremities with ulcer and inflammation

    IX.I80-I89.I84   Hemorrhoids

    IX.I80-I89.I87.2   Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral)

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.0   Superficial injury of unspecified area of ​​the body

    XIX.T08-T14.T14.3   Dislocation, stretching and overstrain of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus of the joint of the unspecified area of ​​the body


    Hemorrhagic diathesis, various forms of purpura, thrombocytopenia, hemophilia, other pathological conditions with a tendency to increased bleeding; hypersensitivity to heparinoids, parabens, propylene glycol, other components of the drug.


    If in case of treatment of soft tissue injuries within 3 days the drug does not show positive dynamics or signs of side effects are revealed, treatment with the drug should be stopped and consult a doctor.

    Pregnancy and lactation:

    During pregnancy and when breastfeeding the drug is not recommended to be used for a long time or on large areas of the skin, the use of the drug is possible only in justified cases, as prescribed by the doctor.

    The drug is not recommended in the last trimester of pregnancy because of the possible risk of bleeding during childbirth.

    Dosing and Administration:

    The ointment is applied up to 1 mm thick on the affected area and around it 2-3 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours and gently rub until completely absorbed.

    With extensive bruises on the surface treated with ointment, you can put an impenetrable bandage, best for the night. In cases of vein diseases, a pressure bandage with ointment can be applied. If there is trophic ulcer of the leg, the ointment should be rubbed around it.

    The duration of the course of treatment with the drug is determined by the doctor individually and is, as a rule, 1-2 weeks. Without the appointment of a doctor, it is not recommended to use the drug for more than 2 weeks.

    Often, the use of the drug for venous diseases is part of a comprehensive treatment, so you must carefully follow the doctor's prescription (simultaneous intake of other medicines, the application of a pressure bandage or the use of an elastic stocking).

    Side effects:

    Usually the drug is well tolerated.

    In rare cases there may be a temporary appearance of signs of local irritation of the skin in the form of redness, rashes or itching of the skin.

    In very rare cases, due to the use in large areas and in large doses, hemorrhagic complications are possible due to resorptive action.

    If symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued and consult a doctor to decide whether to continue treatment with the drug. Patients should inform their physician about all incidental (unusual) effects, including those not listed in this manual.


    Cases of drug overdose are not described.

    If you accidentally take the drug as a child, you may experience nausea and vomiting, in this situation, you need to clean the baby's stomach and consult a doctor.


    Without consulting a doctor, simultaneous use of the drug with other drugs is not recommended.

    Do not use concomitantly with topical medicines containing tetracycline, hydrocortisone, salicylic acid.

    It is necessary to observe increased caution with the simultaneous appointment of anticoagulants, in view of the possible enhancement of the anticoagulant action.

    Special instructions:

    The drug should not be applied to the open wound surface, the damaged surface of the skin, mucous membranes, avoid getting the ointment in the eyes.

    Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and manage mechanisms

    The use of the drug does not affect the activity requiring increased attention, coordination of movements, high speed of mental and physical reactions, for example: for drivers of transport, persons serving cars, while working at height and so on.
